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Everything posted by TheChai

  1. 1, Radfax 2, Sir hops alot 3, Skoze and some bmx bandits (they're sound guys) 4, Harmertrials 5, Sonny Clarke 6, Clawz114 7, Daryll 8, Sam 9, Darren 10, George 11, Lankyri (if he is not to wasted the next morning ) 12,ANDY-MBK-RIDER(wow cant wait now this is going to be some big turnout if everyone shows up! ) 13, El Christoff 14, Ash Kennard 15, Craig Walker 16, Glen 17, Boss/ Tom 18, Ryan RS 19, baz 20, adrian J 21, about 5-6 local BMX lads 22, dan more 23, Medway Trials (even though i've quit, I fancy seeing you guys again) 24, T-rex boy 25, Birdman 26, Bradders 27, Leeroy 28, Troy 29, kev 30, travis (mabe) 31,Gideon 32, Callum 33, Tim-Rodriguez 34, Dan burgess 35, Phil Verley 36, Brad Crawford 37, Charlie Jennings (sorry) 38, Reece Hearn 39, Barber 40, Danny Kearns 41, Dean Bell (maybe) 42, Phil King (i'll do my best if i'm in my flat down south at the time) 43, Ben John-Hynes 44, Grant H 45, NileBrown 46, Rich Pearson 47, Tom Hutley (if he can get the day off) 48, Reinold 49, Majixman AKA Martin 50, Jon B 51, Frazer r 52, Lloyd B 53, Andrew chai
  2. i know this is a bit late.. but has anyone got a place for me to stay for tomorrow ngiht?
  3. i could possibly.... relaly really could..
  4. sloped walls are the ones on the edge of the field next to the london eye... its basically opposite the shell center be good to see u again dude!
  5. TheChai

    Koxx Days 08

    named and shamed...
  6. i am soo tired its not even funny! had a right mission getting everything back home! was literally dragging my bike box back from the train station lol.. koxx days was awesome!!! definitely going next year.. with a warmer sleeping back.. and possibly more whiskey... echo tyres ***! uselesss pieces of crap!!!!! all on for koxx days next year!
  7. i am probably gonna be in attendence, though i have to be back by 6! so none of this late business adammmmmm
  8. good stuff dudde! seem to be a bit more ballsy then i thought lol i recognise alot of those places in poole, really makes me miss that place.. !
  9. yea whole world innit.... lol very likely.. hopefully i will be more recovered then
  10. 2 hours sleep! and i managed to get up!!! so i will see u boys threre! i feel like i am going to die!
  11. http://www.flickr.com/groups/620034@N25/ click on view slide show
  12. Smo is a beast like! was awesomeness! havent had a full weekend of riding in agesss! and there are loads of riders in portsmouth lol
  13. See you all there at the guildhall then for 11:00/11:30
  14. Hey, just wondering who's riding tomorrow (Sunday) as a few of us are up for it and just wanna confirm if anyone if around? are there any natural spots??
  15. how do i get there with my bike :S unless i go home for the weekend ? hmmmmmmm
  16. cool vid steve, though to be honest i thought it didnt do you much justice, you seem much better in real life =P as for the mod v stock i think stock won that for the rails at the end which u did not do on the mod.
  17. why arent the files playing?? what players you using? am i missing a codec? any help would be good! thanks
  18. guys we are going for a tour round woolwich. me and adam should be at waterloo east station around 11.40 ish give me a bell if u like to join us 07960073870
  19. Bit of a late notice but for those hardcore riders out there! 11.11 at the sloped walls me and adam will be turning up
  20. will be there! Still not sure about the whole fancy dress... Its between a boiler suit and a shirt + tie (all there is in a students wardrobe.
  21. come on spode! be good to get riding again! i havent seen u in yonks!
  22. i am down indeed! starting around 11 again i take it? I am sure there was a guy on the forum who lived like round the corner from the place or something?! come out guys!
  23. Did actually ride from liverpool street in the end! which wasnt as bad as Ruse's exaggeration! Was a good ride! great to see so much new stuff and actually have a bike to give it a go! and that rock wall place is pretty incredible! many thanks to Martin for bringing us around! probably wouldnt have got home without u man! i am totally up for going round that area again soon, seems to have a lot hidden! ta!
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