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Everything posted by TheChai

  1. i am probably gonna go, but i doubt i would ride...
  2. froont wheel off, and bike slides under the bed, kept it in the uni bike cage in the first term when i didnt dare bring it into halls, then we got used to the lack of security and just dragged it in and out whenever.. cleaner doesnt even say anything:) managed to fit both 20 and 26 bikes under the bed. havent tried stuffing both in at the same time though
  3. theres one, about 8 months ago
  4. i might have to pulll out from this very likely that i will be in singapore.
  5. TheChai

    Matt Staples

    is it? i am sure its on tartybikes still? also the BT trailer that was made by jmbo.. i could upload that too again.. cant believe how old that was. and ea, matt might just be getting back into it:)
  6. TheChai

    Matt Staples

    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=120075 uploaded as adam requested enjoy
  7. Title: 27th june 04 Music: Duration: 01:55 minutes Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Summary
  8. MR matt staples is stuck in the new members validation group, he wants all u people to know that the silly ging wiill be in attendence this is his contact number 07771688399 do send him a text stating the time and where you would be meeting! he really wants to ride u see Thank you on his behalf.
  9. ah man.. all over now.. no worries guys, thanks for the help Ended up meeting up with some breakdancers instead
  10. dont ride with adam, hes shit.. why the hell are u going to swindon!!!!
  11. i find it best to set little challenges, especially before you go out for a ride, i found that to work great for me makes me know when i am actually having a good days riding. This only works for things that u know the actaul size of, like say u wanna do this gap or tap today, and a few other things depending on the location u are going to, and try and do them. Obviously set them within your limit. Not only do i push myself to meet the target, i find that I am not thinking about what i could do next or whether its interesting or if i am bored. i am just focused on trying what i came to try, and before i know it 2 hours have gone by. And this is riding alone btw, its even better if ur our on a group ride. be interested to know it works out for u, i know it would take a bit of discipline and certainly a different mentality, but thats what trials is about, being serious about it would definitely make u enjoy it more pure because u know ur progressing.
  12. i take it nothings going on then?
  13. nice video! i really wouldnt say only side hop gap side hop, some of those side hops were crazy! not big but sidhopping off a rail and no to one! thats just stupid.. and to pedal grab a rail WTF?! lol nice one joe!
  14. might have just sorted the brake out =D looks like i should be in attendence, provided i complete enough work tonight..
  15. i will come if i can get a front disk brake lever? or a spare disk brake to borrow?
  16. TheChai

    London 4th May

    Think i found a solution for the aspect ratio
  17. TheChai

    London 4th May

    u have to set ur player up man, works fine on mine! its not a wide screen cam btw, but it can be edited to wide screen, i am not sure how to do it though. the actaul film was still 4:3, but the lcd on the cam is widescreen, its abit of a funny one..
  18. TheChai

    London 4th May

    lol Az-man was too wrong =P i think i am in attendence already cya there
  19. TheChai

    London 4th May

    we just thought we would try something different for a change! made it more interesting for no trials riders to watch, since people seem to find jumping over someone more entertaining then jumping up a 4ft wall. all worked out in the end i reckon Cheers for the comments guys!
  20. TheChai

    London 4th May

    Title: London 4th may Music: Duration: 05:34 minutes Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload A little video of todays ride, quickly put together, so please dont pick on my editing. Just wanted to get a video out to be honest, its been long enough Enjoy! many thanks to Jazz for filming.
  21. best ride i have had yet! apart from no hugs at the end!
  22. Whaha! awesome! thanks dude! wasnt expecting it that soon! i thought i would have had to wait another month or so before your video was released I can really imagine how hard it is to get competition riding to go with music, whats even harder is to keep competition riding interesting and nearly fast pace, but i think u managed it fine dude!
  23. for all those wusses out there that are bothered about the weather its fricking fine!
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