Do it
There one of the most powerful disc brakes around, and in my eyes they're the best!
With a BB7 theres no hassle (like aligning it, with rebleeding it, and putting the 'right amount' of oil into it to make the lever end where you want it to)
They're piss to allign as they're on post mounts - which means you don't have to fiddle with washers to allign it.
No rebleeds as its cable.
And easy to fine tune with the 2 pad adjusters on each side, and the adjusters you get on levers.
And they're really cheap
I've got a 185 on the front of my mod, and a 203 on the front of my stock! They've never failed - so much hold and modulation, and a fair bit of bite the 'organic pads' on (mine actually make a little honk, compared to them being silent with the standard pads )
Hope i helped X
EDIT: i've got a 185 rotor, not a 285