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Everything posted by cai

  1. Sounds to me that your not setting your wheel up straight enough - so the rotor is not parallel to the pads. Is this the case?
  2. Right, whack his post code into your SatNav, take a drive on down to his house and claim your prize If this frame of his has f@cked up mounts then just take your frame back - simple..
  3. Thats a bit extreme, when you can just poke an allen key through the bleed hole and push the cylinder out ..saves killing a classic lever body.
  4. Locktight comes on many threaded areas - crank bolts, bb shells, stem bolts, hub bolts - so I doubt its likely to void any warrenties. And 'open bearing' style hubs are not a good idea for trials. The Onza, Monty and Trialtech open bearing hubs are all 'bad' when compared with sealed hubs that just cost around £20 more. The sealed hubs will outlast the cheaper open bearing hubs. My advise is to fork out that extra bit of cash and buy something along the lines of the Onza T-master or Trialtech Sport hubs - allthough a lot of riders tend to snap these 10mm axles (after a fair amount of time riding ofcourse), the bearings won't come loose all the time so the life of the hub will be increased alot. EDIT: If you can afford it defenatly get an Echo fixed hub - the axles on these are a lot stronger. There have been two different models over the years - one with a 12mm axle and one with a 17mm axle (both are machined down to 10mm to fit the dropouts), and these hubs are solid! I've had both and not a single problem on either. they are worth the £70 if you've got that money to spend
  5. cai

    Streety 26"

    What did the Onza Woodstocks ride like? In my opinion the looked stunning (the frames, not the complete Onza builds) and they could take a real seat could they not??
  6. Take the pedal off, and tighten the pedal thread insert into the crank (there may be a lockring for the insert on the rear of the cranks, in which case tighten this up to). Then fit the pedals back in and see if its at all helped
  7. Sound. Make sure you bump this topic the day before its on TV - just to remind the guys like me who will in no way remember this
  8. Use a 12mm drill piece, and just drill straight into the existing 10mm holes on the cams. The only 'problem' you may have is your Zhi cams may be slimmer than your existing Echo ones (where nearly all snail cams are 3mm thick, Echos are a bit wider - its because the Echo hubs are designed to use the snail cams to keep the bearings tight in the hub shell, so when you tighten the axle bolts the snail cams squeeze into the bearings and keep everything nice and tight). So if your Zhi ones are not thick enough your hub will develop 'play'. Easy ways to fix this is too simply add a spacer (around 1mm thick, and again drilled to 12mm) on - put it on to the hub first where the snail cams would go, then slide your new sanil cams on after. This will prevent any play that may develop in the hub. EDIT: bad spelling
  9. I have that same hub dude - just drill your Zhi cams out to 12mm so it fits onto Echo's oversized axle.
  10. You are a clever boy ..seeing as it says 'front' in the botom corner of the first picture, and 'rear in the bottom corner of the second picture '
  11. I brought a pair of Monty cams (any cams with teeth will do), then drilled them out to 12mm so they fitted on the hub
  12. It'll all fit apart from the headset and bashplate - I advise you to purchase a new set of forks and a rear hub as the standard Onza ones are wank..
  13. your joking right? Surely you've got those two mixed up. Lighter models should be more prone to flexing than a heavier frame
  14. BB7 ..along with a SD7 lever and a linear slick cable
  15. Theres only so many ways you can weld tubes together - alot of frames look alike (bar the paint jobs).
  16. So just any old grinder will do then? and then lots of metal cutting discs. Its not that I'm new to grinds, its just I've never had a grinder of my own and wanted a good one. I've always loved the quality of grinds you get from Tartybikes What do they use (hoping Adam will comment on this) ?? Or is it more that they have a great 'grinding technique'?
  17. Take a picture of them and post it up. I've never seen/heard of them before
  18. Hey, need to purchase a grinder. Don't really care about the money, just want something that can offer me a sharp deep grind Also what disc? im sure a metal disc is best, and it'd be quite a thin one? Edit: Help us out with a link to where I can buy these from. Cheers xx
  19. Was a good little read. Surprised you didn't mention the countless different chain tensioners you made
  20. Just be a man and whack them on without the use of lubes.
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