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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. Changed thanks yer aslong as its set up to how it feels best for the rider thats all that matters.
  2. Hey guys ross and jack have been putting this together for the last 3-4 weeks, jacks on the rockman ross on the zhi! Jack would like to say thanks to his sponsors: Enter-bike.com Trialtech.co.uk tribalzine.com tnnengineering.com Ross would like to thank his own Wallet! Comments would be cool ENJOY
  3. it says i need a license to enter but i dont have one and am leaving to go tommo, or a doctors certificate, what should i do?
  4. cheers mate thanks for your nice comment. x
  5. ok cheers guys appreicate that , will defo be trying out some more powerfull approaches to stuff to try and get to the full on top say to back or to wheel swap, but still keep my smoothness thanks again! any one else got any constructive critism? x
  6. cheers, so you think i should be trying bigger things? or just attack these things with a bit more spark?
  7. cheers guys for the positive comments, excited for next weeks nationals already
  8. ok guys thats cool i will take that on board and see what we can come up with next time X
  9. went for a quick ride tonight! with my pal who is really into his editing and recording, but because i am so impatient we just chucked this one together and saved the better clips for a summer video! here is the link for my mates website if any one is interested .. http://nathanlowephotography.tk/ contructive critism please!!! riding is not my best and editing is defo not his best! easy guys, if your going to hate on this just dont bother writing. thanks xx
  10. i love the way that some one says what has giaco done? hes only been world champion a few times dont suppose that counts for much :/ danny mac is getting just as predictable as tgs these days.
  11. i think its quite clear that this video was never any thing to for a million viewer attempt. just simply a video to purely show off his amazing riding. i feel that is done very well. videos are like horses for course after all. i would rather watch this video then danny mac's videos any day of the week.
  12. 0zzy

    Trust Me!

    impressive edit and video recording, riding is average though...
  13. ride untill tired then call it a day.
  14. sunday? text me bro i will forget about this 07977736734
  15. sweet riding always a big fan of your vids!
  16. i apprciate the riding tom dont worry
  17. we got the idea when you commented first time you didnt like it, i agree with the comments said pretty much. amazing riding though, would happpily watch again as i am one of those people who will watch a video purely just for the riding and not the editing etc. dont get how people can not like a video because of the clothes he wears though? and why are people slating because he screamed? surley some of you are not pushing your self hard enough if you have never failed something so many times that you are over the moon when you finally nail it. end verdict will watch it again not amazing video but amazing riding, he has the potential to make a amazing video!! one of the best riders in the world ~
  18. 0zzy

    Zhi Zr3

    had this little weapon for a while now, changed a few bits on it, very happy with it at the moment excited for this years comps!
  19. also that guide line of 2500 carlories a day is only advised on the average person obviously if you do more sport, or have different builds you will require more or less.
  20. i was mis informed, sorry mate. jd grow up you dont know everything.
  21. sort out your diet, a pound of fat is around 35000 calories. so just doing cardio its going to take a while to get it done. weight loss is around 80% diet and 20% excercising. unfortunatley i am not that clever diet wise and have some one who write my own diet but i know lowering carbs will defo make a big difference.
  22. aha na mate, bench pressing means f**k all!
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