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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. i live in tenby fancie coming to tenby or me coming to you for a ride i ride with one more rider we both ride mod wb ozzy

  2. i live in tenby fancie coming to tenby or me coming to you for a ride i ride with one more rider we both ride mod wb ozzy

  3. i live in tenby fancie coming to tenby or me coming to you for a ride i ride with one more rider we both ride mod wb ozzy

  4. cheers everyone!! im going to order them as soon as i can cheers!! ozzy
  5. thats it i have had enough of shin digs and having stiches in my shin. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=9597 are these shin pads any good any suggestions to any pads ?? cheers in adavnce ozzy
  6. isnt the m-a-d logo red, white, blue ????? if so do it up in those colours and it will look safe but thats only my opinion do what you want mate !
  7. hey just wondering where did you used to ride in tenby as im getting a bit bored of the usual locations i ride in cheers ozzy

  8. looks good vee! im going to go make one now
  9. i know i ride a mod but my mates wants to know if there are any trials specific 24 inch forks ????? thanks ozzy
  10. ok thanks guys and i live in pembrokshire ,tenby
  11. 0zzy


    dont worry mate every one starts somewhere.and dont take no notice of him hes just some stuck up *astard that reacons there cls
  12. mine about 6-7 foot dont like it to be honest its no way near enough technical for me i prefer smaller tehcincal lines
  13. reminds me of lego for some reason lol lmfao
  14. i am getting the try-all pink fluro rim rear 19", munity spokes and a viz hub sound like a good combo ??
  15. yerr ok... guna get it reblead tomoro when i get some time.. thank you all for helping though
  16. wiked so how much are they ?? and can i get them from tarty ????
  17. haha lol so all i need is a new tpa rite ??
  18. every time i put the tpa on hard on my magura and hop up something or put any prseeure on the lever it makes a click sound and then pulls the pads away from the rim putting it back to the beging any body had this before or no how to sort this out any help would be much aprrechiated cheers ozzy
  19. thats a lush bike to be honest i really wanted one but could not find one anywhere thats why i have now got the t-pro
  20. i would personally buy the onza as it is a good solid bike as i have once riden one. and also a excellent bike for beginers hope that my input has helped
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