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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. halfords will be selling trials bike parts and bikes, here is the quote from mbuk.. "a wider range of trials products can now be ordered from halfords. this new section includes complete bikes from competition specialits koxx, a range of attractivley priced frames and componentes from bionic and even unicycle trials models from k1.koxx and k1 are well known enthusiasts. bionic is a new range desgined and developed by chinese trials company zhi.there objective is to produce a range of affordable reliable trials equipment. the bionic frames will pe priced at £175 and may be ordered through halfords". i saw this and just thought that some of you would like to be infromed, cheers ozzy.
  2. he knows where its at, if you get stressed and annoyed you learn f*ck all, just be carm and always have a laugh.
  3. perhaps a onza t-pro off ebay, or are you looking brand new, if you are i would get a monty 221 pr but thats just me but perhaps for something a bit longer a zhi or zona zip?
  4. nice relaxed atmosphere while still going big, you made it look effortless and look so comfortable and as if you do it everyday. top rider also cool funky tunage
  5. how is "its newer" better most of the people on here pefer the old zoo pythons for example, so newer doesnt always mean better plus looks aint everything it might weigh a toone and ride like a tank.
  6. i thought they did have one but it was on the downtube instead of under the bottom bracket, correct me if im wrong!?
  7. thanks for your replys it just sucks that he aint open to f*cking 2nd of january and he wont be able to ride untill where back in school there goes his holidays biking.
  8. lol ledgend its just our lbs can be a bit of a jebend.
  9. yer i will ask the lbs but hes shut intill new year just asking for your oppinions and weather this had happened to you before ?
  10. my mate used to ride street then decided trials was for him after riding my bike a few times. my mate had a bike for christmas and went out on a ride with it christmas day after riding for a bit he realised that the back hub was louse and that the bearings are fcked, and also the man from the lbs had not put the brakes on propely and the pads and arm poped off when riding.The headset was louse and had not been fitted propely. where does he stand with the man from the lbs, because this did clearly not happen from riding,what can he do about it etc? he is pretty p***ed off and you can expect. thanks for any help towards this you can give me. cheers ozzy .
  11. yes its a good bike from what ive heard i have never riden one though , i have also heard that it has a "streety feel" to it, dont quote me on that though.
  12. cheers mate i hope to be helpfull as well as getting answers for my trials biking needs
  13. cool cheers mate, its just wouldnt load up tartybikes on my internet thanks anyway. topic can be closed now,
  14. basically, when is tartybikes back open so i can buy my new parts anyone know ?
  15. go on trash zen that helped me out loads, but just keep practising and it will come and soon you will be hopping about loads, then try it about it on crates, making gaps and getting up crates helped me out loads while learning and are still fun to do today
  16. which pedals are better, which ones last longer , grip , bearings and just general strength pedals.
  17. yer it maybe a repost but us new members cant write up about our pads reviews in the members sections so hes put it in here for us to use.
  18. thanks for the tips mate, and if your riding down tneby again p-m or add me on msn and we can meet up and ride yeah ?
  19. i supose he has gone to the wrong forum, but i know of a few motorcycle.motortrials riders on here maybe able to help him out.
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