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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. i like riding you style is unique with a twist its asaum lush bike aswell.
  2. these are just a few questions which have always puzzled me so any help would be great, 1. why isint there no competeions (sp?) for 24" trials, is that because of the lack of riders? the sport isnt big enough to have 3 catergries of competition ? etc i have no idea really to be honest. 2. how do you get sponsered? i know im not good enough for sure i ride for enjoyment anyway its just how does it come around to happening? i would like some answers from that and peoples experience please. 3. last but not least what would you pic for trials biking parts, a light part but mainly lacks strength ? or a strong part which weighs loads? thanks in advance ozzy. x
  3. ok cheers for that bit of information, quiet handy actually i think im going to go for the xen as it looks smart as fook in white is the 06 one the same as the 08 as i can get it about 15 quid cheaper
  4. tensile *** sh!t loads better then acs and dicta and you should be discounted that money if you asked for a part and they gave you something different !
  5. creppy crawler defo, cheap and grippy ihave only tried echo and creppy crawler tyres and the creppy crawlers out pefromed the echos by far in grip but in outstanding the longest the echo won.
  6. my mum just said she would put more money to a lid if needed as there is no point in puttin a price on your head so is this better http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=16122 thanks !
  7. bring up my posts !
  8. it came with me naturally i dont no why, but as soon as i was pedal kicking i went from a curb to a four foot ledge in a day. Then from that about a week later doing 6 foot ledges, then i decided i didnt like big stuff, now i prefer technically spiny street, or natrual ! hope that some how that made scence and helped you in a way.
  9. any skater shoes to be honest. well any with a good thick sole and are comfy.
  10. after my mate snapped his bb on a 7 foot drop and luckily escaped by f!"£ing up his metartarsel (sp?) i have decided to get a helmet i have got around 45 quid to spend and i dont like the look of the piss pot helmets was looking at something like this http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=8589 is this a good helmet? or is there something better without going to much over my budget? also what should i look for in a helmet light? , strong?, comfy, etc. if any body could help me i would love you to be honest. as this has really shit all our bikers down here it would just make me seem a bit more confident if i have a lid when it all goes wrong. thanks in advance ozzy. x
  11. has anyone tried any weird and wonderful things to rebleed there brake with ???
  12. its down to technique, just get out there and practice i improve a tiny bit each day and then when you put all these little bits of improvment together you notice your a hell of a better rider then you were say a week ago.
  13. which is the easier,best result to bleed??? bleed bath or what ?
  14. tartybikes, youll have to wait till tomroro though untill there open !
  15. im going to get it re bleed with water or is there any thing better ??
  16. what is using water bad for the magura?
  17. which is better for magura a watter bleed or oil bleed, which one has better feel, better reaction time,hold etc.. ??
  18. ive riden a avid bb5 disk and a magura (both on front) and i found that magura gave the better hold but the disk was alot quicker to react, but imo i would rather have a well set up maggie with some good pads.
  19. i reacon that sounds ride apart from deng aint owned by some one, and its so you can look like a right fancy pants when you have all of your say "zoo!" bits on your bike.
  20. go on to www.trashzen.com or .co.uk im unsure thats very helpful to learn from plus look in the wiki and also have a look at some youtube videos with ryan leech in
  21. no buying selling untill your validated unfortunatly mate, bak to topic though, i would say a good bar and stem combo would be a good place to start off or maybe new forks if you like the bar and stem combo.
  22. i am just going to stick to buying my parts from tarty i just thought thats somepeople on here didnt no about halfords and that they found this useful. plus its good for parents who dont let there kids buy off the internet.
  23. basically what he said above and if the frame flexes thats watsed energy say for the magura/vee brake.
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