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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. if only ! i think the sport will advance dramatically and will be lighter, stronger parts available for sale and also alot more companies for the trials market apart from that we will only have to wait and see
  2. there pretty darn good the slightly older ones are better then the ones out at the moment though, simply because the specs are balls ! i own a t-pro 06 good bike the back hub went because i forgot to keep on sorting ou8t the bearings then its simply just ate its self alive, lol. all it needs is a hub change and its a bike which will survive the bashers out there
  3. 50 no more then that to be honest.
  4. very good review, detailed and even had pictures also liked the way you explained how you learnt alot quiker and better on the koxx.
  5. cool ive heard there geometry is like a old zoo python but with longer chainstays ? but they are good solid bikes.
  6. that is actually a valid point the more spokes the stronger the wheel build/wheel ?
  7. 20" for me to be honest, for the simple reason im short and riding a 26" swamps me and i cant control it propley the only good 26" i have ever rode is a echo control, so 20" ***.
  8. you can get zonas for 100 quid ?
  9. na he said it rode sh!te and would prefer a better wheel it would not stick up to any of his abuse anyway, think about it our abuse still hurt them a bit then remember that he weighs about 5 times more
  10. v-ps are the pedals for you then, there fine bearings last a reasonable time mine lasted 6 months easy, the grip like fook!
  11. how much exactly do you want to pay then we can tell you the best pedals in that price range.
  12. no mate thats no good, keep searching though .
  13. theres a magazine called "trials magazine" but its mostly motor trials but still has the odd bit of cycle trials in every issue
  14. i think hes after the 07 stickers not unless there the same ones ?
  15. all the v-p pedals are paratically the same, v-ps arent that bad if thats what floats your boat
  16. v-8s ? you can get them off tarty for 21 quid and come in very sexy colours bargin in my eyes, bearings last a good time, good grip pedals just need to watch out for the pins
  17. dont be so harsh at least he makes an effort and tried to answer your question grow up hes not from this country, back to topic though i makes sure my bikes good to go before leaving the house and dont bother brining any tools with me unlees i leave my home town then i only bring allen keys. your bike should be fine.
  18. he said he is on a budget not everyone is rich enough to get £45 pedals, dmr v8s are as good as you need imo.
  19. v-ps are fairly decent if cage pedals are your thing, my mates had some shin digs and the bearings died within a week so imo dont get those, maybe some dmr v-8s ? whats your budget any way ?
  20. i dont know if it will be worth buying the eagle claw bashplate but i know it can fit front freehweel setups i just dont think it will fit on your frame, dont quote me for that though as i am unsure.
  21. which ever way you feel comfotable with and works for you, and get some back hops in there
  22. i used trashzen to look at when i was started and used to look it up on the internet and you can pick up some helpful dvds from halfords, the was a dvd/video out not that long ago called trictionairy but i think that was more for streety type moves like abbubacs and spiny stuff etc. maybe a look into that maybe, also i find that seshing a wall for ours gets my style quiet good on objects that height.
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