5"4 and 8 stone. get a t-pro they are like the most highley rated 20" beginners bikes ive got one its mint, the only thing that will want to die on you is the rear hub but that will take a while to kill or if you ask muel nicely he would probably tell you how to lamp it etc as i do not no and that will keep the rear hub going for like ever. but on the 26" a onza t-rex are also very highley rated, they weigh a bit more then your usual trials bike but there tanks and can take years of abuse. go give www.tartybikes.co.uk a look at there bikes are reasonably priced with good specs, or check out ebay you can get the occasionall bargin i got my t-pro fro brand new maggies, drilled rims, etc £355. so have a look around and dont buy what you see first post up here if you see any good bikes you wana get and we will tell you if its alrite for you, good luck getting validated and welcome!