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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. not for a long time, not unless your guna be going up by yourself, plus partz will be moving back to rhyl soon (if i right in thinking that) f!ck your foot and just come.
  2. sorry to bump this topic, but Trials Punk are you bringing down the cardiff lot ? should be good ride mind. partz make sure you let us ride some natty though best show us the best spots. never rode swansea before.
  3. 0zzy


    mods ***, i cant get on the link because im in school but i think i saw it on ebay the other night good luck with it and tell us how it rides
  4. what you mean the squirt lies you wrote it for him.
  5. you are seriously tryning to annoy me, well you and your bro i swear you get every top specced lush bike i want, thing is i cant afford it. so hows it ride.
  6. wtf you on about mate, the whole of the bikes at cais, you have never rode the bike before and it has never been made up (im cais best mate btw) post is defo a good start on this forum. squirt you cant say youve rode the bike when you havent it needs a headset, a rear hub and a maggie lever. once youve bought it off cai and rode it then you can say how it rides.
  7. basically what do you prefer to watch or ride. for me its got to be natty alot more intersting/challenging and i feel i can pick better lines from it. i did a search and nothing come up (lets hope this isnt a repost).
  8. favourite street rider : cls favourite natty rider: adam from tarty. and sam oliver.
  9. 0zzy

    Crank Help

    cai that was you dont blame that on squirt i was there when you did it lmfao. i would also like to know where you can get pedal sized threads.
  10. 0zzy

    come to school lazy b*****d.

  11. use the gusset chain tennsioners nath? and btw have you ordered your stuff off tarty ?
  12. because thats "cool" isnt it, just because its expensive doesnt always mean its going to be good does it ? get echo forged my mates got them there mint.
  13. 0zzy

    Owen Vid 1

    mint vid, especially if its your 1st ride on that long zoo!
  14. does the same thing happen to the 20" ones, or isit just 26" ?
  15. but this is baby blue and fluro yellow. will look mint imo.
  16. they look mint, especially when you get your frame done same blue, blue bar, and yellow wheels and stem.
  17. they also sell it in halfords
  18. nice pics nath was a good ride, weather was crap. thats a good first post hopefully you will get validated.
  19. there mint bikes, get one i had one there quality as your first bike and will survive a good hiding.
  20. trials biking is expesnive because it is a tiny sport compared to say football, get something onza perhaps a t-rex there mint bikes and can be picked up fairly cheap go give ebay and tartybikes a browse.
  21. lazy pistons? pehaps thats something to think about go have a look in the wiki if you need to no more.
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