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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. its a top cap but with the thread on the steror (SP?) tube, if you want it cut short wack in a star nut, jobs a good "un.
  2. i like them, do you reacon he would let me use one in my new vid ?
  3. come carmarthen mate its about an hour away from swansea me and a mate will be riding carms, you and your lot will be more then welcome, or perhaps we could meet up for swansea?
  4. i reacon imo it would look 100000 x bettter with stickers looks a lush bike though mate.
  5. the rims are fine, what hub were you thinking of using though ?
  6. get an armoured-dildo they are very scarce (sp?)
  7. get a lid, it will give you the extra confidence to try bigger stuff.
  8. not aloud to sell in nmc read the rules.
  9. me and a mate (nath) will be riding carmarthen sat,if you want to come, drop a comment and we shall sort out times etc or if there is any where reasonably close that is worth riding arrange a ride there.
  10. look no further then a t-pro, ebay, look for around and 05-06 with the extra dosh chaange a few things around if you dont like it.
  11. im guna be different and get a viz next, heard to many different comments on try all frewheels some good some crap.
  12. i dont think that the fact that your doing it to a bmx changes anything, perhaps ask adam from tarty ?
  13. hello and welcome! good luck what bike you got?
  14. sounds good mate, welcome to the trials world keep practising and those moves will be getting bigger and smoother then before
  15. longer bb get one off tarty there good sell at reletivley cheap prices and the service is second to none.
  16. um for me for a chilled out technical little ride is got to be any of the jurrasic 5 songs, and for when im doing bigger stuff pendulum hold your colour or any of there songs really, also dont mind a bit of screamo to get me going
  17. how do you pop a magura dont you mean split the cable and dont go on about his advise and be sarcastic his adivse was fine, if your going to right a shitty topic your going to get a shitty reply.
  18. no buying/selling in new members read the rules. and i cant really tell what else youve put if im being honest.
  19. cant see it happening, and like said above someones trying to solve a problem that doesnt already exist.
  20. grind with the right pads or smooth rim with the right pads in general tar is shite. use the search in the future this comes up like every week.
  21. 0zzy

    From Webcylery

    lmfao i wasnt concentrating.
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