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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. im suprised how smooth and controlled he is on that bike after not having it that long, i will be purchesing a new frame from tarty soon, now all i gotta do is wait for a review off some ones whos rode a monty pr and a dob magnesium lol
  2. trials aroud 6-7 days a week. for at least an hour, ive been riding for nearly 9 months but this is only the begining.
  3. you given the bike a good hammering yet ads ? how does it compare to the monty pr? looks mint, i want a vid of you riding it.
  4. the multi storey in tenby, from bunnyhopping up a curb. to pedal kicking and tapping the walls.
  5. we arnt mind readers, is it for 20",24" or 26". do you want disk only ? or maggie ? or v brake ?
  6. +1 me and my mate have got one there mint.
  7. oi that was un-called for lmfao, but yer never say never.
  8. i voted stock, even though i ride mod. if you can ride stock well you can still have fun, try and bring in the stuff you do on your 20" on your 26"
  9. what back brake set up you runing it looks fooking mint!
  10. go there with a group of mates, have your fun, but dont keep at it only make it quits.
  11. everything for me any way, beacuse ive know it sounds sad but it took me along time to learn the moves then when i put them together or get up something or gap something i have not done before it just makes me smile. probs guna get called a pussy but meh.
  12. report back with how it handels on street and natty i want one sounds like a good bike to me short and light as fook. its between that and the monty pr for me now, both fairly cheap and decent frames, ads you reacon you could compare the two for me ? cos i swear you had a pr at one time, cheers ozzy.
  13. correct it was huge when i saw it. mite have grown since mind.
  14. rr mate that hydroxx was lush hope it still runs fine defo aint put me off getting one rode mint and light as fook.
  15. 0zzy

    T-comp 07

    looks really ugly looks well better in real life.
  16. on holiday in spain, met a girl at the airport and she was from cardiff so we talked at cardiff airport got to no each other really well like then when we were in spain that night bout 12 ish parents were at the bar she pulled me round the cornor all went from there sunbed and marmite.
  17. 0zzy


    i swear this is a repost and its suposed to be used on motorbikes or something like that.
  18. 0zzy


    simatra mc-spanders i think there 31.
  19. i saw him like two mintues ago and he just told me, lmfao and thats why the post is fairly simular to squirts lol.
  20. umm no you have to earn this "uprgade" as you just called it and your chances of this "uprgade" are now gone down toones because you just tried to sell, go back and read the rules.
  21. i think its great when you write all of your mates posts lmfao squirts and now bens
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