Pads: neco reds. Time used: 2 weeks. Rim used:try all Grind: No Ceraminc: No Brake used: magura standard hosing etc, no booster on a t-pro frame. What is your opinion of a working brake:good bite, hold barley any effort to pull and something you can hear working. How do they compare to previous pads you have used:the best pads ive used to be honest.ive tried atomz pads,zoo! pads,magura reds ,blacks and browns.and they dont even compare to this. Review:as soon as i got them i went out and rode even before they bedded in they were loads better then any of those pads i used, they offered great hold, great bite, but not to much modulation this didnt bother me though. the wear life is also pretty darn good they have worn down around 1 mm when i first had them but that was because my brake was set up shit and was rubbing.they also make a nice honk when they bite so you can really tell there working and gives you that added confidence definetly a pad i will be buying again!