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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. surley you should have picked a lighter rim to begin with if you were thinking of saving a bit of weight? or did this sudden vibe for weight losing come now... ...... and to be honest im all up for weight losing etc but i dont think what everyone understands is by just putting on some foam grips or something like that aint guna do jack shit, you need to do the whole bike i reacon. just my personal opinion.
  2. coommmmon ! ive spoken to "trials punk" and hell be coming if he can. ice spoken to JM and i think him and a mate are trying to come down, and johnny mc and a mate are thinking bout it as welll. come on people:P
  3. i reacon try all rims are a really nicee shad of red, like a faded red defo get them
  4. those forks look bent to f**k!!!!
  5. im up at my aunties for those dates and was just wondering if any one was up for haveing a ride, it will be me and my mate cai (on his 24uk) just want a few riders to show us the spots, and come round for the day. if its good enough we will ride there for a few dates. well sort out arive times and where were meeting when we get some interest. from videos and preivous opinions off riders its the one of the best places to ride in the uk, with really good natty and not to bad street. thanks in advance ozzy. x
  6. 0zzy

    Summer Ride

    lmfao epic. only for the sleeeggzz!!
  7. ill try make it, thats a f**king long way for me though but when i spoke to beau on msn he always used to say well ride one day together i supose this is guna be the closest thing now mate ill try my hardest
  8. why the f**k you all being dicks ? like some one posted up before its only because you dont like him, if it would have been some one else you all would have been frigging brown noseing them, and saying how nice it is.
  9. aint the geo on that pretty much t-pro geo ? if so was there any point in buying it ?
  10. looks smart as f**k need to release one with maggie mounts or vee mounts though, surley with that chromoley top tube that will weigh it down a fair bit, aint chromoley that heavy stuff standard onza forks are made out of?
  11. have some in cardiff portcawl area, for me to travel to there is at least 2 hours, and the ones up in england are probs around 8 hours. and being 15 and not being able to drive/aloud expecting my dad to drive me a fair few hours is really not going to happen. portcawl cardidd for the win
  12. editing was spot on, riding pretty darn good, one thing in my opinion song was not the right desicion with your style in my opinion, it made everything seem small and easy if you get me, really hard to explain. well done any way a really good first video though
  13. if the onza frame rides nicer buy the t-mag, and perhaps a few "pimp" bits and fancy parts/upgrades to make them the same value.
  14. 0zzy

    Dob 20"

    that is why he said nearly
  15. seperate file for trials tube for uploading theses 10 sec clips and yer ill contribute with 10 secs worth
  16. they do make those gay 26" bmx things...
  17. your a mint rider fair f**king play, this video is the best ive ever seen of you
  18. 0zzy

    Bigman Coust Clips

    your a f**king beast on that coust to be fair nice vid mate
  19. raceline maggies, Giant Team Trial frames, Canondale Fatty forks, only things that come into mind with me ffs which i was from back in the day.
  20. 0zzy

    ozzy clips video, edited better

    they were neco reds, it wasnt brake slip though it was more crap body postision/technique and the brake pads had not worn in there mint now.
  21. lmfao what are you on about? like quiet seriously, onza rule the beginners market hands down. i would have a t-pro over that yabbaa any day.
  22. 0zzy

    Ozzy, Clips Video

    better edited video out now imo, check it out opinions please.......... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ils&id=1369
  23. 0zzy

    Ozzy, Clips Video

    just a few clips of me riding around 5+ months ago im loads better now but enjoy. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ils&id=1359 construcitve critasizem would be good,cant really comment on my riding though that was 5months ago but some tips on editing would be cool
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