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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. lol ive seen this posted up bout 4+ times since ive been on here. REPOST.
  2. i am currently running plazmatic spanish fly maggie pads atm on the rear. tartybikes recomends for them to be run on a smooth or with a bit of tar, but is there a grind that any body would recomend to run on them? thanks in advance.
  3. im south of north wales as a such ?
  4. 0zzy

    New Chain

    psychic or what :L
  5. right kinda persuaded my dad to drive me up, where bouts in london are we guna go. (londons a big place) so what kinda time would the majourity of people be calling it a day? and is there stuff to ride for the not so pro standards. around 30-40" stuff?
  6. mint mate, im defo investing in a pair of phat pads as soon as my current pads where down. what grind you running yours on mate?
  7. yes yes yes. hes a machine. well done ben. mike do you know when hes getting his stuff if you dont mind me asking :$
  8. 0zzy

    Best Bargains

    Almost new ProII Trials, built to a Rhyno Lite - £60
  9. i would love to try one mate, if your looking for a rider to ride natural ill also be going to most comps this year if thats what your after.
  10. id say jaunary to april mate as in the uk thats when its starting to get warm for summer, where as september to decemeber its cold.
  11. bout 32 quid mate, well thats the price for the one in swansea so id expect it would be around that much give or take a few pounds. so does that mean that me and my mate count as being an "adult" as were 16 and over?, its guna be me and 3 mates, two are 15, two are 16, does that mean we can have a room of 2 "adults" 2 "children"?
  12. as topic title says, its in swansea to be percise...
  13. thank you for the adivse mate, i will do. im not trying to start my own comps just kind of questioning why there arent any down here
  14. bit of a bump but i fogot about this comp thread, how bout having a range of comps for the southerns ??
  15. 0zzy


    theyre shit on a smooth, light/dead is mint
  16. what are they like on a dead grind in the wet/damp weather??? im very interested in pads
  17. after wanting to get into bike trial comps since i started trials ive decided i want to ride comps in the upcoming season. thing is though the nearest comp is around 4 hours away, and at being 16 id have to get my dad to drive me which i dont think hed be too happy about. does any body know any bike comps nearer to me. i live in tenby,pembrokshire,wales, just in case your wondering thats town/district/country could somebody please help find me a comp nearer? thanks in advance ozzy x
  18. bike looks different, but thats what we like to see!!! looks nice build though
  19. 0zzy

    Flat Or Riser

    i cant phiscally ride with flats either, they feel horrible and make your wrists ache.
  20. 0zzy


    f**k what type of grinds that though? and how many rims you go through a year?
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