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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. cool chillaxed vid but f**king hell that guy on the mods rear brake seems uter shite.
  2. 0zzy

    Simps Teaser.

    incorporate it into the t-f vid comp dude, and dont leave me hanging on this f**king teaserrrr babbe new vid now.
  3. 0zzy

    Simps Teaser.

    liked it, really did. reminds me of summer vids where some you go out and sesh and just push each other and improve loads. getting a proper sweet style on the 24" dude. it makes me cringe with you on the mod though, captin sketchy. you on a 24" howver 20x better dont take this comment the wrong way.....
  4. i think what matts trying to say is, by you changing your rims you have not changed how the bike feels to ride only making it a tad light, where as you could have got bar and stem and maybe forks and it ride really nice.
  5. from what ive heard theres not much of a riding scene in cardiff mate, swansea got a fair few people. if you go swansea let me know ill ride.
  6. because its a twat to set the brake up with.
  7. i dont think you lot understand hes not saying that hes destroying rims etc... and what he should be advised. hes asking why arent there no more 36h rims any more.
  8. after wanting more hold on my back brake ive turnt to go and buy a booster but to be honest i dont know which one is the stiffest? weight doesnt matter to be honest. sooo stiffest 2 bolt magura booster for under 30 quid. thanks ozzy.x
  9. part from daves and nicks brake
  10. i love the way that people slate jamie for making too many videos then go in to the topic and watch them any way. if you dont like it dont watch his videos. any way jamie wasnt too bad there in my choice of pads when me rock greens run out.
  11. says the person who just posted up a destroyed front rim im suprised he has not been mentioned all ready though. but BEN SAVAGE, goes big but smooth and stylish. and local riders has to be dave kerr.
  12. fancy selling your old one
  13. i cant afford hydrolic brake, so is bb7 up to the joband does 160 still applie to the bb7 or is more man power required?
  14. f**k no, weak as f**k, get either a trial tech or echo. monty = cheese.
  15. decent brake pads for rear and grind the rim, comfy grips, and a better freewheel. then rag the f**k out of it till something brakes.
  16. mint video toby every thing about it was very good especially for a first! you had a nice carm tune to go with your riding style (nice and smooth) then the quality was very good, nice and crisp. the editing wasnt over the top just how i like it. and the riding was amazing for your age, defo some one to look forward to in a few years time, sponsers snap him up while you can .
  17. oh my god that is literally the same colour as my t-pro i did it up with white components and it looked smart.
  18. i think its more that sams being cocky as f**k thinking hes the boy, and basically teasing the tgs haters. dont get me wrong i think matts a decent rider, but doing all sidehops and one backwheel and putting it on this forum is just going to end in trouble. matt bring out a decent video. with a bit of variation that doesnt always have to be lines!! and you will have a good video. ozzy
  19. thats the thing though muel, ive had nothing but problems. its leaking somehwere now. i know its not hard to fix. but ive gone through about 4-5 maggies.
  20. need more opinions..
  21. after my hate for maguras, ive decided disk is the only way forward. what disk would you recomend? and what size disk for front and rear? for mod. thanks in advance. ozzy.
  22. reminds me of the new rock man frame, looks good mate, good work!
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