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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. but disk brakes are very yucky on a 26" and the iver the majourity of 26" riders ride magura/vee so why bother?
  2. mine are utter shit to be honest, got it reground on sat night rode comp sunday worked amazing went to ride today and the brakes now shit. i wouldnt go there to be honest, theres cheaper better pads on the market.
  3. got it in one, apart from its far more then praise its brown noseing to the max, and everything else is just wrong. the tgs possy sleeggzz rofl crew all just have a joke and the 24" bite and cry over it pretty pathetic really.
  4. amazing day thanks to all the observers and people that made the day happen!
  5. isnt it the same as the xtp 2 just with different graphics?
  6. isnt it the same as the xtp 2 just with different graphics?
  7. my mates sl lever leaked straigh out of the box lmfao.
  8. hey, dont fancy spending stupid money, was thinking of the onza sealed disk hub, not really bothered on holeing but would prefer 32h, ideas lads?
  9. i got a shwalabae moe joe and that was stupidly light an i only ever popped it once in about the 4-5 months i had it.
  10. if i woulda known i woulda come down.
  11. thanks for that fred, be good to see you all there.
  12. do i need to apply for anything for that? so basically as long as i enter online and pay i dont have to do anything else ? sorry for the shitty questions. only my second comp.
  13. do i need to bring my acu insurance or not?
  14. improved loads since hook woods mate keep at it!
  15. lol mine were far from that to say the least, i would literally back hop and my back wheel would move, got trial tech and its a fit and foget with me. i think ive touched them like 3 times since about dec. and thats for chain stretching etc.
  16. is matt going with you mate? me and dave should be there
  17. aww that will be more then fine mate imo, i like a high front end though.
  18. seem to be getting on well with is mate. nice photos.
  19. id say 1-2 of the big spacers dont know what size that is lol sounds really newb. then simatra resystem stem (which you already own) and trialtech bars.
  20. jelous? i know i am. doesnt mean i have to be a cock about it though, its not the lads bike so why give him shit over it. ITS HIS BROTHERS.
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