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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. i wasnt dumb enough to buy a set of forks everybody complains about cracking....
  2. 0zzy


    ride alrite nothing special would prefer a t-pro or something to be honest, the geo feels weird chainstays feell mahhooosssive. cant go wrong for the price though.
  3. mate of mine cracked them and he doesnt even tap or gap to front or do anything that would put the fork under any stress ahaa pile of shit
  4. but in uci its easier to use a dab on bashplate then on bashring.
  5. but at comps it counts... its 10 times easier to land on a bashplate then on a bashring...
  6. blatently have never had a go on a bike with the original cousts on then
  7. 0zzy

    Phat Pads?

    lol mine were shit on every surface as well ok bite NO HOLD!
  8. wear far too quickly. swindelhurst uses them seem good enough for him...
  9. looks mint mate, and best of luck in new zeland.!
  10. dont use snail cams with them use chain tensioners...
  11. 0zzy

    Trident Mrcomps

    lol, my mates wore within a few days your clearly dont ride enough.
  12. do the pads hit flush? how far away are the setup? is ur frame flexy? if so do you run a booster? you running a 4 finger lever blade?
  13. that doesnt matter your still trying to sell.. idiot.
  14. hes sticking up for him self.... idiot. without trying to sound harsh jack, i hated this video. not enuf variety. go out recording and do it over a month. your a mint rider that pisses over people with years more experience .
  15. mint mate, improved loads! few years your guna be like ross said top of the game! just keep at it.!!!
  16. swansea ride tomrow, meet at founatins around 10. should be a few of us out. always a good day out!
  17. i dont get how you can say something like a disk brakes shit, they have loads more modulation then any magura/vee and nearly as much hold.
  18. without sounding harsh, you lot have the right idea, but 2 weeks aint much notice.
  19. thank f**k you got it back will
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