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Everything posted by 0zzy

  1. 0zzy


    alot of time for this video, big range of riding ability, sweet lines, bottom line though fun whilst riding and learning on bikes and increasing there own ability! looked good, blackpool is a sweet place to ride love it when they have the national on those moon rocks!
  2. good video pal love it, people are so quick to judge on here its funny as f**k! ive met you in real life and your sound as!! always a good laugh, ignore them mate. where are all these soo called trials riders when the nationals are on?
  3. 0zzy

    Mod Front Tyre..

    my tyre used to skid out on to fronts there lethal cant belive people rate them lol!
  4. 0zzy

    Mod Front Tyre..

    how long does a sticky lite last yoU?
  5. after trying near enough all the mod tyres on the market for the front, i was just wondering what people recomend for grip and lightweight? i barley ever get a puncture so that is not really a problem, ive tried the kanda block 8 which i thought was actual dog shit and was crap for near enough everything! aint run a maxxis in ages, monnty never seemed that good in the rain or on slippery stuff, and try all on the front is mint, but aint tried the sticky lite! opinioons please? X
  6. 0zzy

    Few Clips

    cheers matt and yes defo will! any body else want to comment?
  7. 0zzy

    Few Clips

    bump, cheers bro!
  8. 0zzy

    Few Clips

    few clips from a ride the other day me on mod cai on stock, comment on riding please proper video out in about a month..x
  9. thing is though, it didnt skip it just exploded no warning no nothing...
  10. lol! 5am is nothing ive left for comps at near enough 3 before... i will be there barbara with dave!
  11. going to buy a freewheel off tartybikes monday morning, but wondering what to buy as i killed a tensile freewheel in a handful of rides where it exploded and sent me over the bars after f**k all use. and i am not overally impressed with the build quality on the rockman as mine seemed to skip near enough from day one.. any recomendations on what to buy as ideally i would be after the sl but they are not due for restocking for about 3-4 weeks when i rang tarty friday
  12. i will be there mate, how many classes are being entered?
  13. how did you work out that rockman bikes are shit?
  14. ok mate the website says differently though http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/UCI.htm
  15. got this off the bike trial federation website.. Women 15 years and over Pink course (any wheel size) Junior 20" 16 to 18 years old Red course Junior 26" 16 to 18 years old Red course Elite 20" 19 years and over Yellow course Elite 26" 19 years and over Yellow course
  16. there is no a "junior world cup" however there is a world cup with a junior league inside it. yes i am buddy, hopefully in france. any other videos?
  17. YOLO stands for you only live once, so f**k it if you want to do it, do it!
  18. wheres your sarcasm detector?
  19. like said above your sidehop technique is quite tidy, i think just riding will sort it out... not trying to sound harsh, but improved backwheel control would allow alot more preload and kick into the pedals aswell.
  20. i remember seeing you before, i feel for this sport to keep on growing we all need to make an effort in the competition scene though! people hopping on walls an all are just seen as vandals.
  21. i never used to be up for comps, but went to 1 now im hooked, everywhere i ride now i link moves together and places "markers" in my mind so thats its in a competition situation to improve my riding.
  22. hmmm thats like everything though, there will always be someone younger thats better! its just the way things are, perhaps you picked too hard of a rotue?
  23. i dont get what comps people have gone to where everybody is a spoilt kid on amazing bikes bought by mummy and daddy, yes there are the odd few granted, but thats going to happen in any sport, ive played football and rugby at quite a good standard and trials comps are by far the most welcoming. all of the people i have spoken to were only to happy to help my riding out! to name a few dave, savage, tom rankin, jack carthy etc.. since when is someone not a good ambasador of the sport, just because there not a sheep? at every comp ive been to ive seen dave help out the young rolls brothers! seems like everybody who dont like comps has never been to one!
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