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About 0zzy

  • Birthday 12/10/1992

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    zhi zr3
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    trials biking,
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    tenby :D

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. I don't know what's worse the fact I watched it all or the fact you wasted your time editing it like that
  2. Easily £40 then people are deluded ahaha how is that easy? I work as a tool maker and its not as easy as you have made out
  3. How much does he charge out of interest? Anything under £40 is very reasonable' if its so simple do it yourself
  4. I think that the tarty bikes idea is good, however i think to encourage the bigger moves then the time limit is more relaxed. Apart from that i can see a modified version being the future of bike trial comps. I really really don't get what comps people have been going to that have said they have not had fun, like seriously i have never left a comp and thought that i hadn't thoroughly enjoyed my self. I drive 5 hours plus to nearly every trial and spend hundreds on £, and i defo wouldn't so it if didn't enjoy it. The practice tarty bikes trial at brimham the other week looked successful and i looked very fairly set out, gutted i didn't give it a go now had to rush back to hotel.
  5. performance over anything if you just want to change stuff to make sure it looks good get into fashion or something.
  6. 0zzy

    19" rim

    Okay is the echo sl just a light version of the echo rim that has the good grinds or is it different? The echo sl seems a very good rim pretty light and good for grinds if it is the same material...
  7. 0zzy

    19" rim

    cheers I know it looks like a wanted but perhaps I should have written it better. I want to buy brand new and wanted to see peoples reviews off previous rims. ive been looking at echo rims as I always heard they were strong, but the main deciding factor for me is the grind, I want the best grind possible, really hate grinding it every couple of weeks.
  8. 0zzy

    19" rim

    looking for a 19" rim for my bike, weight is not a issue however don't want anything ridiculous , however holding a good grind is important.
  9. keen, anybody bringing there birds?
  10. magura is far more superior, I don't get how any body can argue differently. after many disk sets ups I have never used or seen one that is as good as a magura. obviously each have there own benefits, however I found that magura has the more advantages.
  11. Why did he get banned? What was said?
  12. Bristol on the first of feb is gunna be sick
  13. But trials is hardly a momentum sport therefore i doubt it is as effective as compared to say road cycling, obviously lighter parts make a lighter bike but i don't think it would be amplified as much as said
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