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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by maxwellduryea

  1. one up for the tires:) i love em!
  2. i ride em on all my bikes...park, trials....hardpack dirt... i love em... thin sidewall owns though...
  3. 5 on Mondays, 78 on Tuesdays, 12 on Wednesday, 1 on Thursdays, 23 on Fridays, 199 on Saturdays, and i rest on Sundays:)
  4. ...except the fact that the XTR's use a completely different BB than the deores...yeah they are lighter, but ten times more stiff:) plus, he gets em free, why not run a light stiff crank if you getting em free? i would!
  5. those arent the cranks Ryan uses.....
  6. get everything flor pink! and the Gusset pink tires!!!! hhahahaha.
  7. thats scary. wait until the frame snaps in half, and your DOB emits showers of sparks... hahaha. is it flex like titanium or is there more flex than that?
  8. word. do it. and get those middleburn ano pink. classsssy:) im gonna ride rigid for the first time this week....im kinda scared. hahhaa
  9. Ive used Sram chains for years. Just change em every two months. They are cheap, and ive only had one break. And thats because it was 3 months plus old... or you, the KMC is a good one too!
  10. he's my fav rider. partly because i actually got to kick it with him a few times, but mostly because he was kicking ass for so many years. he does it purely for fun and is great at promoting the sport. plus, the Norco Moment has been my fav frame ever! i guess im a die-hard, but he has done a lot for this sport and promotion of cycling in general, and i dig that back to the bb situation:) if you havent broke a Tapered one, and liked the way they felt, why change?
  11. leech is a god. who knows. probably made out of uranium or somethin. but you, his set up is soooooo stiff. played on a (copy) of his bike at interbike last year. almost nut myself. have you seen pics of his setup? blissful. not the monty Ti, just the Platinum Pro with the Ti axle..and every other Ti axle bb ive used (besides the Profile ones!)
  12. the only other cranks i have liked, and you WONT break the bb or the axle is a set of the new shimano cranks. THe Saint or the XTR's...ryan leech is using the XTRs' and some crazy bash. Strikingly light, and WAY stiffer than any set of middlburns (or any other crank for that matter) ive ever had. But they arent "trials'y".... Or an old set of XTR's with a custom bashring, like the old leeson's had...so sexy..and stiff
  13. Isis is stronger, lighter, has a larger axle, more sides to the taper, larger bearings, and they cant round out like tapered. they do, however, get a bit of play after a few years. unless the arms are steel. Dont buy a ti ISIS bb, it WILL snap. Dont buy the FSA platinum Pro BB, it will snap. Ive broken the Ti and the stainless ones. They do, however carry a great warranty, but its annoying snapping it every month or so. Truvativ gigapipe series are amazing. Or the Crank brothers Cobalt. Ive had one of them for about a year, no problems. (interestingly enough, its supposedly the same as the platinum pro. hahaha, so who knows, maybe i keep getting faulty platinum pros) Ive only snapped one tapered bb, ive snapped 4 ISIS bb's.... gotta take all of that into account:)
  14. bump, im in the same situation. hate the feel of cable brakes, but need something that isnt always failing (i had the mini mono, and worked great till one day it stopped working. i bled it, replaced ALL seals, new rotor, new pads...still sucked.) im weary of getting the Hope Trials after this, but hear they are much better than the plain mono mini. can anyone confirm this? i really dont want to use the bb7's...
  15. i do both skiing and snowboarding. i have so for the past six years. right now at this point i love skiing a whole lot more than snowboarding. more versitile and more comfortable. i live at the bottom of a ski mountain back home, so i always had it as an opportunity to wake up, cruise up the mountain and ride all day on the weekends and holidays. this year was the first year since i can remember i havent done either:( oh well, theres always next year!
  16. is there any structural differences or is it just weight savings?
  17. Vee's on top of it. and you, i was planning on it. Like is said ive only ridden king hubs and hadleys. I look forward to the pro II. thanks for all the replies guys.
  18. Im going to sell one of the two, and cant decide on which one i should keep. I hear the Pro II's are nice, but do skip, but i hear the bulb is a great all around hub. I know its been used by lots of pro riders in the past, and i know a lot of pros are now using the Pro II, so i cant decide which to keep. What is everyones preference? Im not too worried about weight or looks. Just reliability and solid craftsmanship. I have always ridden a King hub, so i have no idea. Ill try both out, but wont be able to for atleast a week. Just trying to get some opinions on the two. Thanks!
  19. well i ride both too, but mainly street, and couldnt be asked to buy the expensive and slow rolling tires that are so popular on trials bikes, so i just use the Maxxis Holly Rollers. They are way cheap, and have good grip on pavement and concrete. i also like that they roll fast. good for all around riding. on my other bike i have the Kenda Tomac Small Block 8's which are nice as well for both
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