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Everything posted by Kieran@ZSClothing

  1. mine and Andrew's mate filmed me and Andrew on our lunch break at work. And came out with this bad boy The riding isn't the best either me or Andrew could do its just a little play around but i think the movie has turned out rely well. Big thanks to Barry godin.
  2. can i jump in with any one driving up ? im in london area
  3. hated editing and music. riding was nice
  4. i plan on getting completely shit faced to night and staying out till at least 6 but if i can find it in me to ride after ill give u call
  5. ah sorry man funds got well low and i don't like disc should have told you but completely forgot.
  6. im not riding disc for long im getting a hs33 version of the frame made i hate disc's
  7. ahh they do diffrent things speedrace is the high end fans mid range
  8. I haven't rode in a wile but getting back into it this year. Big thanks to barry godin for taking the photos! and to Speedrace fans easy-bike.cn hook designs 3SIXTY trialparts.net Im riding the new speed race solo and i love it ! also the quality has been raped ! Cheersss.
  9. any one out saturday? maybe some thing abit different abit of a east london ride or some thing???
  10. http://www.mediafire.com/?d1bl84boa1d9489 new intro thingo just geting used to making dubstep this is only a tester not sure about it yet.
  11. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?profile=1&id=551973950#!/video/video.php?v=491956221439 me geting pissed with them when they were ment to be doing the first one haha
  12. i have been mixing for a wile and producing electro music for a little bit but never dubstep.
  13. Been geting well into dubstep atm so deiced to give it ago. This is a Preview of what i got so far would like some comments see what i can improve ect. http://soundcloud.com/whitefield/pictures-bluto-remix-preview Its a Remix of sneaky sound systems Pictures. Cheers
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