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About Kieran@ZSClothing

  • Birthday 05/01/1991

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bikes - Design - electro music
  • Location
    Near hackney.

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Kieran@ZSClothing's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. niceee saw allot of st ives in there !
  2. Some tracks i have been working on for college if any one is into producing music would be nice to have some feed back and also people who don't have a clue would be nice to hear both sides. http://soundcloud.com/blutomusic/feel-good-remix-wip http://soundcloud.com/blutomusic/ghost-busters-remix-wip Cheers guys.
  3. that was so good , by far my fav rider and that song was sick 2
  4. yeh speed race are quite a young company compared with koxx echo Monty ect.. and there bikes arnt just ordered from a factory like allot of other brands out there. so expect things to be getting better and better.
  5. yeh speed race are quite a young company compared with koxx echo Monty ect.. and there bikes arnt just ordered from a factory like allot of other brands out there. so expect things to be getting better and better.
  6. I been riding the speedrace solo 2 for a wile but im not a huge fan of discs so asked speedrace to make a few changes, And they built this for me. They added hs33 mounts and built in booster and got rid of the bash plate mounts as i use a bash ring also i asked if they could leave it raw so i can spray it. either going for a toothpaste green or fluo some thing ha. tryed to add more photos but t-f wouldn't let me?
  7. NICE MAN but isnt a foot jam when u don't use your front break? or are they the same thing ?
  8. I wrecked my malaide in no time they are rely weak frames. New frame time
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