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Everything posted by merseytrial

  1. woooowww I said to u not to touch them tarts. I know they were only 68p from the kwickies but thats no excuse :)
  2. Ye luv that 1st tune. The riff sends me mellowed happy satisfied. stan.. u gotta send me that track. some sweet technical riding with musical added :lol: rocklord
  3. Toxsin mod very soon :( keep you eyes pealed adam
  4. :( To start with I love root manuva!! Secondly some of them moves where soo technical and the rest just stylish ;) Just tell me what size stem your after and therez 1 on the way ^_^ adam yyyeeeaahhh damon! Honestly I dont know of ANY rider who side hops with more style! :D
  5. Nice/// (N) (Y) d+b Rocks up trial vids.. well in mate:) adam
  6. I bled me brake today with washing up liquid. its poo!!! Also I know some 1 who rides around with piss in their cables and doesnt know it!!!heheheheheheheehheheheheheehehehehheeheh DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BIKE AT YOUR MATES HOUSE!!! adam wooo this web site does not let me type 'y a' with out a space between :huh:
  7. merseytrial

    New Vid

    Ive watch about 7 vids today and that was the best one by far!! Nice riding and better falls. ahahhaha Iolo u must have though f**k it..! im already wet hehah. <_< Good editing and camera shots too. nice one laddys. adam
  8. Proper controlled riding with a mint set up! <_< Good one adam
  9. merseytrial

    2hand toxsin

    From the album: toxsin

  10. Now now ladies. That really is a massive gap (Y) :)
  11. yeeeaarrrhh thats amazing. That lippa that he does on the ashton is quality. How *&%^$&&^£%^%&£* does he side hop so far??? Im defo gunna buy that video. Can I buy 5 at trade price?heeheheeehehheehe hehe eh? adam
  12. but rocks are a bit heavy for me. stone is easyer adam
  13. Ill bring a getto blaster!!! and lift stuff... :huh:
  14. merseytrial

    great grip :)

    From the album: grips

  15. eno for sure!! i moved from an acs to an eno and my gaps and general riding instantly got better (Y) ad
  16. merseytrial


  17. merseytrial

    1st evo 3

    From the album: evo

  18. merseytrial

    my 1st evo3

    From the album: evo

  19. merseytrial

    Joe Baxter

    That kid is genius. For a kid who has bin riding for such a short time and only 14 its amazing. riding like that a few years ago would normally come from a really good 17 year old. 2-days bikes have good Geo. A 20-inch like that is perfect for a kid who is 14. Theres no way that stuff would be doable for a 14 year old if he was riding a ruff saracen frame like many did. I watched the video before I read the forum. Now I have to say a big thanks to all those who pointed out the laffin... now each time i watch it i notice yyeyeeyhhhuuuurrr h haahahaa. But it shows that you have proper fun. i like. (Y) good stuff joe adam
  20. Its not just the material which determines how a bar will fail but the shape too. a good thick light light weight material is best in a bar for trials. keep steel for bmx, but i recon a ti bar would be cool to try. adaam
  21. Flex is not a good thing in bars cos its not controled or safe. But spring in a bar is soooo sweet. It means your wrist dont snap on big taps or drops. Also the legs dont seem to wack the bars. with my bars a bouncy boost is the best way I can describe what happens. I can feel safe in my bar because the nature of the alu it uses will bend rather than snap. Ducko :) Try-all bars are one of the best in shape and geo. But I ve got a new fav bar :)
  22. exactly! thank you (Y) B) adam
  23. There is a misunderstanding here... The frames on trials nation ARE the REAL Toxsins!!! Im just simply stating what the frames look like. There is nothing suspect going on here. Im just trying to get my point across that toxsin is the original of any other banded same design frame. I hope u understand now... :) adam
  24. If I wanted people to see the frame I would just make a thead entitled 'new toxsin frame'. (Y) adam
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