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Everything posted by merseytrial

  1. Cheers Ian for pointing out that the ride is next friday (Y) Ok then Ill be able to make the full day of it. For the red grips I hopefully should have em for next week. (Y) ta adam
  2. You can get Toxsin Pads from me (adam). They are £12 for posted and £20 for a pair. Email me for payment details (Y) ta Adam
  3. Ye ill; be there at about 6 O. It the best I can do. P.s Bring loads of money for special deals on toxsin pads and grips (Y) see yas adam
  4. For advertising, email banners@trials-forum.co.uk
  5. Well geniuses that is ben!! Luved them wheelie taps (Y) adam
  6. Yes they are smilar to my koxx bloxx in compound. Every one who has riden them so far say that they are much better than bloxx... (Y) http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....md=si&img=10251 Ta adam :-
  7. merseytrial


    toxsin pads ;)
  8. merseytrial


    From the album: pads

  9. merseytrial


    do a skid through that dog shit
  10. Naaaa the music was perfect. It just wouldnt be the same wid out that sound man, adam
  11. please take no offence when i type... 'thats the gayest video I ever saw' after shooting a nail with a 90 psi gun directly through my thumb today that video made me laff so much i ran out of breath and forgot about the pain (Y) :D :D nice1
  12. Its gud that. I really wana cum down and ride london some time :- ad
  13. merseytrial


    lol!! yaayyy The picts are well gud! See mountain bike are da bomb!! see you at dudno for some fish and chips. l8taaas ad
  14. The only differences between the replica and the real thing are : 1. bb is about 1cm higher with the replica. So now the replica matches the real coust V2 2. The seatstays and toptube dont follow each other in an exact straight line. there is a little rise in the topetube making the frame about 5m m higher than the original. 3. Disk mount on the rep. Coust frames dent easy. So if you can stretch a little future I would buy a toxsin. But for £200 posted you'll get the best bargain going. If you have any more questions you can phone me on 0770 720 6 006. Nice one (N) adam
  15. hey rob (Y) cool vid! good camara angles. did uuzz use a tripod? Like it (Y) plus i have had them white and red etnies too. where about in the uk is it filmed? ady
  16. ok its on engoollddieeeww ill get it now (Y)
  17. Cheers!!! :- Dont know about gapping further but it defo helps balance on the rear wheel. Year I used to have that problem too. When running front brake, try putting your front lever lower than your back. This is cos your body is in different positions when using the back to the front. Ye I think running no front brake can be good for taps and balance on the rear wheel. As some one else said in this tread it forces you to put the body in the right place rather than relying on the front brake. So once a rider has learned to ride front brakeless then they should be well better when they put one back on. I reckon ill be able to do a foot higher with my splats and side hops once I get out on my new bike with f+r hopes trials. Also going to front wheel on walls is gunna be mega fun :D :) Craig are u still riding front brakeless? If so keep at it cos u wont even miss it after a few weeks. That if you already dont (Y) yay adam
  18. Is right ben!! (Y) Cool design. (Y) :D :D :D :D :- :D :) :) adam
  19. Cum on peeps. Liverpool should be proper hot that day so there will be loads of boobs a bout. We should be there for 12.30 ish so Ill phone you to find where u are. adam
  20. aaaawwwwwuuuuoooooooo! that had tu hurt! did any of u guys gere about that french kid who lost his life ridin a trial bike?? it makes me thin k man... :P ad
  21. merseytrial


    for sale
  22. From the album: roadie

  23. merseytrial


    From the album: roadie

  24. merseytrial


    From the album: roadie

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