What A trip!!! Im sooo gutted that I wasnt on it dow!! Fun Fun and Fun and some more water Fun!
Ill BE ON the Next one.
have a :D for all the cool ridin from all of yas in that vid :(
Is right John!! :blink:
I always new a proper good trial rider would make a wicked BMXer. Now its proved!
That tailwhip thing on the bank mad my brain go numb trying to figure out wat u did...
Ye Kyle was nuts cos hes only 15! Was nice and sunny (Y) Also I saw will Do a massive gap on his video camera!!!!
What made the ride cool was that there was over about 15 guys out on and it was my first ride for 2 weeks.
yeeaarr cum on then peoplzzz. Its guna be a roastin day. and then loads of chocolate muffins.
Agreed.. Just get on that trian. Just tell your parents form me its safe!
I call yaz
yeearr thank mate!!!
Thats the wrong video!! This thread is on about thenoose video :) hehehe The hall was organised by Tom and his mates from north wales. Do a search for Freeridetrials (Y)
(Y) Is right me littly laddie :) There sum pads and grips on the way for you.
Ducko!!! It wont be long till hes hurtin u on and off the bike!! hehehe, hes my little apprentice, as long as he doesn't keep pesterin me for chips.
Ye If i get out on friday ill be sooo lucky... Waiting on ONE thing!! (Y) A freewheel. Its being posted tummora mornin so If I get it by friday afternoon ill jump for joy. and then tap with joy.
Boss video!! Proper smooth and strong riding. That first backwheel off the quarter was massive. Techy trial moves in there where big. The stair jumpin is sick and the one hander bench gap is like how the f**k!?! U must be the only person doing them, right? Plus did u learn them moves on a BMX cos its like how do you get so smooth and big on a trial bike? The edting and skateboard feel that vid has tops it off.
:huh: :)