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Dan Jones

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Dan Jones last won the day on January 4 2024

Dan Jones had the most liked content!

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  • Real Name
    Dan Jones
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza Limey IV
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Dan Jones's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Will they fit the Crewkerz HS33 fork? šŸ˜Š The image wasn't working above but I have seen these on your Instagram story. Look good.
  2. Yeah, I used the short version of the 2006 (I think) Echo control 26" for many years and it never failed.
  3. Thank you! Andrew's video is amazing, huge riding. I don't know much about the 4k upscale process. If it works well, it might be cool to see some classic trials videos with it applied.
  4. Thank you for all the nice comments!! Yes, I have been riding trials for a while now - Iā€™m 38.
  5. I short video I made or riding four different locations. I decided not to go back and refilm anything so not everything is landed how I wanted it to be. Thanks.
  6. Great riding Alex. Was it difficult to switch from 26 to 20?
  7. I love the look of this v brake setup on a Crewkerz. Did you decide to keep using the HS33 on the fork for the moment? If it's possible to make a V-brake work on the crewkerz fork - I think its something I would like to try in the future. I also wonder if the v-brake will put more stress on the fork being in that position.
  8. I just thought I would share this here. A Short bike trial video using the clips I collected this year. Thanks.
  9. Dan Jones

    JamesB Vids

    Your riding is awesome, I love how you are able to blend different riding styles together at such a high level.
  10. Thanks! I have started to use a bit more tire pressure (around 40psi) to get rid of any tyre fold which does help. I think not holding the rear brake can help get the bike in a better position for front wheel pivot too.
  11. I wanted to share this video here as Iā€™m not sure I will improve on this now. A few years ago, I watched the Ali Clarkson video on YouTube ā€œHow To Endo, 180 and 360 Front Pivot A Bikeā€ and in this video Ali said if anyone can do a 720 front wheel pivot he would like to see this. I thought it might be possible with enough practice. At the time I think I couldnā€™t nose pivot beyond 360, so with a few years of practicing this is the closest I can get to a 720.
  12. A few video clips at the skatepark and from an area at a small bike park in the forest. Thanks
  13. Some video clips I have used before and some new edited into a short video.
  14. Some clips from today
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