topics a f**kin disgrace. sort your uckin lives out. Its a warehouse for f**ksake who the f**k cares what its like same as tartys, oh f**kin no, what on earth shall i do, ill sell up and become a bum becos i have the same warehouse basically peoiple tht are bitching, are dicks, and what there trying to say is... "if you take a picture like someone elses your a dick" "if u buy a zoo python and run a king cos your mate recmmoneded it, your a dick" couldnt possibly be because its the best set up. im not getting invloved but this topic seriously f**ked me off. Nice bike btw Dan. White rims and forks will look sick! pics of riding yes oh, and nice warehouse. coming along gladly. AND!!!! ill pass by into your shop for public when its sorted