I really want to go... I was thinking of doing a massif one none stop from country to country. But I thought it might be a better idea if Myself and others went to one destination and then came back, and them some more came with us or myself to the next place. Just because not everyone will have the dollar for around the world tour but they may have for one country. Im not really sure as to where to go, I was hoping some of the riders who have explored before could come and tag along ha Want aload of Street, and natural too. Buthiers is it? Could go there for example and Paris street. Whatever Im open to Ideas really so let me know. It wont be for a while, got to save shit loads up if im honest. But just wondered who'd be up for it. Think like Mike Singleton, Porter, Joe Pap Snap, Bessel etc... Been odd few places round world. Let me know