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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=857492 adapted further
  2. as long as he doesnt break anyones nose lmao or land on top of the 6 folk he was meant to be jumping.
  3. just you make sure you remember my money please jonny. dont want any excuses as im skint as f**k just now
  4. adapted one of adams earlier ones. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=852928
  5. wooo. looking forward to this ride. Hope i will be riding better than i am at the moment . everyone still up fae this
  6. awww.....looks you and ali will have to take his share of the abuse when i come on the phone
  7. please kill rumour - is stan still working for TB? please kill limey owner - blue sucks
  8. Does everyone think i am scottish? Yer i suppose the scottish are pretty inbred. However i am english
  9. ben_travis

    Forum Help.

  10. in essex your all inbred so it doesnt really matter that much
  11. get it sorted mark....we want so see footage
  12. 80% of the people on the forum are too young to know the difference between love and shagging about....
  13. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=735154 woop http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=735245 woop refined
  14. i hope you got a building warrant for all that work ....the Local authority will need it
  15. decent forks frame (the obvious)...come up with some imaginative design, not just changes in GEO. thats a start. others will help no doubt. You could do any part of a bike really, however it comes down to finding something that is a niche in the market....something which i dont think you will find in bikes / trials. You have to have an idea for a product that has not been made yet, and then move from there.
  16. Suprisingly impressed . like the tee's. wanna send me some free seriously though...good job lad
  17. what your saying rowan, is you want to be the leader of the gang......gary glitter stylee.... however, I like to be the best i can be. Im by no means an amazing rider, and i KNOW there are lots of riders out there who are better than me in all aspects of riding, however I like to challenge myself. as an example, I am scared of rails. REALLY scared. Since i did my internal bleeding a cuople of years ago now, i always have the fear, however i want to incorporate lots of rails into my next video. Also, i like to push myself on TGS moves. I want to be able to go big, still doing the lines i crave. I do NOT ride for anyone on here, i ride for myself, and for the banter with my friends. I also enjoy riding new places to see how other riders combat lines there. I just like riding trials.
  18. Yes i am sponsored by tarty, but I am by no means tied down by them, what dan has apparantly done to a number of customers (you do not see these topics about tarty??) is kind of unethical, in my humble opinion. Im sure dan does feel like he gets alot of shit, and if it wasnt for guys like him and the guys at select / tarty, im sure we wouldnt have the trials industry we have just now, and in this manner i do feel for dan. I hope he can sort it all out / improve his business in the long term. Im not even going to say anything about hate wagons.
  19. so people keep saying. It doesnt justify dan apparant service problems! If he wants to improve his service, im sure he could employ another person like tarty does. I imagine that tarty adams personal profit isnt as great as dans, purely because he has to employ other people.
  20. Obviously if tarty has two or three people working for them, its because the amount of orders going through the company is higher than that of other companies. I doubt that T-UK has the same number of customers going through the books as tarty...in fact i reckon that each member of staff at tarty has to deal with the same amount of stuff that dan at t-uk does.
  21. ben_travis

    The Olympics

    YES - http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/cycling/default.stm But shaznae (sp.) read messed up in the final.....chris hoy said he would bet his mortgage on her winning a gold....FAIL
  22. just tryin to make shiz more challenging http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=698403
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