thats just uni life though isnt it . everyone wishes they were still at uni, cos it was a doss compared to working. Pissed 4-7 nights of the week, and only having to work at the end of semester. TomR - i understand that my generalisation does not cover all areas of architecture, but I did indeed say from my experiences. I would recommend someone who is a student, and currently making his decision as to what career he wishes to follow. I believe, if he wants better money, then not to follow the architecture route. The big architects, those who attack niche markets earn the big bucks, but those that just become CAD monkeys do not. I can vouch for that, and from the colleagues i have met, who studied architecture for the full 7 years, are on not much more than me and are aged at 30+. That said, i do live in a very affluent area (aberdeen is the oil capitol of the uk for those that didnt know), and as such salaries around here are mental in that industry and this is the industry im trying to get into, as such, i wish to undertake a mech eng course to get me in easier. sorry for my lack of at work, and cant be arsed.