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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. holy crap at this http://fr2db.fr/play.php?track=61587
  2. WILD CAMPING AND NO WOMEN ALLOWED. SCOTTISH MUCKERS RULES. women....we have enough trouble with towler and his frikken women textin him all the time
  3. you will have to come out and ride more first though....?
  4. sweet video towler. hopefully you wont go into hiding this winter...like last winter eh... get on your bike more. Also...wife beater at the start...hilarious
  5. easy easy easy http://fr2db.fr/tracklist.php
  6. that image is the image that burns my soul a little inside
  7. get out.....go and sit in the corner and think about what you have just said......
  8. thats just uni life though isnt it . everyone wishes they were still at uni, cos it was a doss compared to working. Pissed 4-7 nights of the week, and only having to work at the end of semester. TomR - i understand that my generalisation does not cover all areas of architecture, but I did indeed say from my experiences. I would recommend someone who is a student, and currently making his decision as to what career he wishes to follow. I believe, if he wants better money, then not to follow the architecture route. The big architects, those who attack niche markets earn the big bucks, but those that just become CAD monkeys do not. I can vouch for that, and from the colleagues i have met, who studied architecture for the full 7 years, are on not much more than me and are aged at 30+. That said, i do live in a very affluent area (aberdeen is the oil capitol of the uk for those that didnt know), and as such salaries around here are mental in that industry and this is the industry im trying to get into, as such, i wish to undertake a mech eng course to get me in easier. sorry for my lack of punctuality.....im at work, and cant be arsed.
  9. I did architectural technology at RGU in aberdeen. Something i now very much regret, and am in the process of organising myself onto a mech engineering course as i very much hate the architectural work that I do. Its un-challenging, monotonous and generally creates a brain f**k . I honestly hate my job, and wish i had studied harder at school and gotten into something more rewarding. Also, on a further note....the money is not great in architecture (compared to that of engineers), so if your after a salary £40k + when your older, then without owning your own architecture practice, I am unsure that you will be able to achieve that. I hope it does not put you off any life goals you have, and dont take my word for it, but its my experience so far. Should you care, i graduated last year with a 2.1, and due to placement and part time work, i currently have 3 - 3.5 years work experience. my two pence . Should you wish to talk more, give me a PM
  10. now now ali...what about bestest inbuilt trousers and knee pads combo.
  11. we are heading over to fort bill for a weekend on the 3/4/6 of october (depending on weather), you should come along to that. i cant make any other weekend, commitments
  12. johnny you hardly ride that fricken bike
  13. i think having the mount at the same position as the fourbolt reduces flex in the mount (something i have never really noticed) but alot of people have commented on it apparantly
  14. holy bejesus. I hope all the TGS bummers realise just how big some of this stuff is! so much power. If im being honest i dont think tunni or damon could make that up to front at the start.... oh i am so controversial
  15. surely you might as well be running a maxxis then? as the weight will be no different?
  16. I like the look of that rear beast that stan is using. Shame its £30.
  17. Always love your photos timster. Catch up soon for a ride
  18. made me giggle. can you not imagine the man himself inside the suit wiggling his wee booty. lol
  19. its an internal headset if i remember correctly isnt it?
  20. as previously posted. please go and see this link http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....t&p=1605397 these are the OFFICIAL world records, but im sure some of the worlds best could beat some of these now
  21. Right, im a bit of a tennis fan, im not sure why, i just find it a good sport. Anyway, since ol' henners and rudders left we have had our hopes pinned on Andy Murray, and while compared to the big three he isnt quite on par, but slowly catching up. So.... if anyone cares, i thought you could see andy murray on sky me thinks currently beating rafael nadal 2-0 on sets.
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