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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=e...&iwloc=addr
  2. I can be you hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away.... haha, see you there min, you stayin the whole weekend?
  3. does that mean your a little strange as well?
  4. I nominate ben travis....just for being waynes world excellent party time
  5. not just that...when we did the comp at fort bill he was blastin about. certainly better than me on a bike this boy is. love him. and his fist
  6. It is possible to do it in the wiki http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Aberdeen
  7. Incase anyone is wondering....danny is pretty handy at riding natural as well. To be honest he could probably max most of his skills out on there as well.
  8. I dont think it was 'amazing' but vince certainly knows how to throw that bike about eh
  9. apparantly danny hadn't seen a women in a while, back in 2003....then mark became a mod
  10. 24" tube on the front. for extra 'bounce' as he puts it
  11. I might very well be wrong, but I think that the cycle show could well be just a place for showing the bikes off, and I doubt very much they will be selling them. Why not wait for them to come into stock at TB or wherever they might arrive!
  12. does it matter? why not just wait and see....not as if your going to go down and buy one is it!
  13. its no wonder your wheels are always pringling
  14. she set him up though...to test whether he was faithful....or thats how i read into it!?
  15. I have some magura hosing in blue if anyone wants to pay a wee droplet of money for it
  16. Its nice. But can you put a fruit pastill in your mouth without chewing
  17. Very good forks, however I would just go to a well known retailer and buy from there, as tomm's link above suggests, there are a very good number of forks out in trials now.
  18. thats not north west!!!! fort william is NORTH west. come up here for a weekends campin
  19. Once upon a time, there was a manny. He was a chinese manny, and he owned a hover board

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