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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. loved the vid not to keen on your *starting on the box when you fell off. That is not the muckers way. So its karma that you fell . Sweeeeeeet vid. looking forward to squatting above your face in just a towel as you kip on my floor next week.
  2. none of them excuses should stop you riding competitions thought..... you can ride out of class and just ride for ridings sakeeveryone was 'shit' at some point in time, i remember the days when i thought axle height ups was the best thing on the planetmeeting new people and facing your confidence issues face on. If you go out and speak to new folk, your confidence will improve. EDIT: then you can be an arsehole like me haha.
  3. Distance is the primary factor for me. I work full time, i have a girlfriend, i have a mortgage, and most competitions (except for 1/year are held 5-6hrs minimum away from me. Which for the day equates to about £80 - £100 petrol as a return journey for the day, means setting off at about 3am minimum, getting home aobut 10-12pm. Simple as that really. However, other things that i feel stop me heading to comps is the politics of the competition scene at the moment, two british championships, UCI rules at some comps, BIU at others. I understand a competition is about competing against someone, however in such a minority sport the competitions should be more user friendly. I would like to see more streety sections (as seen at fort bill world cups). Even if it is logs piled up. Sections more like the UCI world cup trials events. I think this would draw the TGS lot a little more, thus increasing the size of the events, thus leading to bigger and better competitions. In the UK we have some of the best riders in the world. I have no doubt about that. However, to get these guys to come to comps, they need to be made a little more rideable and varied for them. A competition to me, should include riding bicycles over a variety of sections, not purely natural. Look at moto trials, the different stuff they have in their events is crazy. We should be aiming to be more like that. IMO
  4. i already knew u and phil were gay? what do you need outing for?
  5. who the feck is josh
  6. never said you spoke shit? are you the source are you
  7. depends how much shit your source speaks though?
  8. was too busy making sure you didnt hurt yourself when you fell off, cos you fell off so many frikken times
  9. trialstube - youtube high quality and vimeo all up now.
  10. If you have the opportunity to move anywhere in the UK, then surely a move out with the UK would not be too far out of reach? Depending on your criminal record etc etc. I would much prefer to move somewhere other than the UK. Australia, America, Europe? I suppose in answer to your question, I would probably say the south of england, just for a try out. (no town in particular)
  11. Reet boys.... Shit weather - Great Weather - Good RIding - Sliced Shins - Torrent Rivers - Wet Tents - Man Love - Fires - No sexy time = This video. Its on vimeo just now and will be youtubed later. Let me know any thoughts It includes - Richard Towler, Ross McArthur, Jonny Milton, Stuart Robertson, Ross Mc (inverness), Jamie Yorkston, Aidan Chisholm, Jarvis, and a few others me thinks. http://vimeo.com/1915895 or http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QDqCi1FhzS8&fmt=18 or you can watch here Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  12. Definitely the trialtech stem. My opinion, some would say is biased, when in fact dave does not ask for me to ride any products that i didnt want to. I LOVE my trialtech stem. Few of the boys round ecosse have them now. Lovely stems. Should probably be fine for the pazzaz
  13. there is no point arguing about his riding as danny is a total arsehole anyway. totally not worth speaking to, and is completely up his own arse. how he ever got sponsored i will never know this is not the truth above
  14. sorry chimpy i wont do HD then
  15. Maybe one day we will see
  16. oh the flap of skin hurts like hell back in work today...limping like a limper.
  17. we have.........he is from glasgow, grows a ginger beard, doesnt own a hoverboard is well...not called rab or paul
  18. cheers for the ol' compliments boyo's inur...i know what you mean about the song. the more i watch the video the more i think it doesnt suit. As you say, i think it is because the collective used it.
  19. dont think so......for the win. towlers hung to f**k
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