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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. either that or she fancies me but doesnt know my name yet and hoped those searches would bring me up! I think thats 100x more likely as well!
  2. I want to be as good as you biggers!!! Always loved your style. The only person who could make an ozonys barge look small!!
  3. what is this proper tap you talk of???
  4. Janson died earlier this year - check the chit chat forum
  5. She could be pregnant.....probably best to run off now!
  6. http://www.giacomo-coustellier.com/ http://www.vttcoustellier.com/ Websites of the rich and famous. Shame they don't come in english as well if you ask me, however i understand you could use google translate using the links below. GIACOMO - http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=fr&tl=en GILLES - http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=fr&tl=en
  7. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1718385 my topic on the bontrager big earl (rear)
  8. ashtons are definitely not the best riding frames ever!!!! maybe its peoples set ups, but i have never ridden a nice one! No offence martyn, but you should have recognised me at t in the park EDIT @ 17.20pm - Ross i know your going to make some funny joke about this, but dont because its predictable
  9. i assume you have seen the video that them pictures come from jon!!! If you havent...you should....mmmmmh click the spoiler \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
  10. oh im not fussed about the pink, pinks fine.... more just the whole outfit......WHITE TROUSERS PRIMARILY....thats just wrong.
  11. Did any of you not read towlers problem solving methods.... baseball bat (a 2x4 from b&q will work just as well) and a spade....
  12. its like watching danny mac riding glasgow...but these boys hop better on the back wheel. HAHA
  13. its not what he told me on msn....he aims to piss folk off! Its the towler way...little cunt
  14. Towler i think you should let the whole forum know about your wee problems just now! Now they are worthwhile and funny!
  15. Major bump. I like it!! I do see one problem though....WTF is cap wearing. Its almost as bad as OT PI's lycra outfit. i hope someone slapped him and called the fashion police
  16. I am currently aiming to change my career path a little, and the direction I am hoping to head in will generally require some experience / knowledge of Solidworks 3D cad software! I have experience with 3 or 4 Software programs for draughtsmen - primarily architectural - and this said I am pretty competent with most programs and can learn them quickly. However, i have not had the opportunity to use Solidworks and would like some information about its interface and whether it is difficult to understand / use!! Also if you could let me know how long it took you to become of a good user of the program! I am currently looking at the Solidworks website, and having a wee gander through there, but if anyone could point me in the right direction for some possible tutorials / helpful websites, this would be greatly appreciated! ta benny boy
  17. i hope you can feel the hatred heading your way right now....
  18. free bump. I really want to come to this ride. Got so many lines i spotted in glasgow last time that i pussied out of . I wont be able to make it though. Maybe when me and ross have made up, i might be able to make it back down.
  19. The only place this will take off (in my opinion) is hybrid / commute bicycles! It only has three gears, which would not make it useful for any discipline other than the aforementioned. There is no way it could handle the rough and tumble of trials...even if it could manage to handle the torque, what happens when someone lands on the tube, or falls off their bike and smashes it into a rock. (as an example). Maybe I will be proved wrong, but im 95% sure I wont be!
  20. He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy! :bow: :king:
  21. haha i even commented. get your boxx back bessell
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