I would say that its all about personality. I mean come on...im the most likeable person i know! Seriously though, i think alot of people forget that its not just how good you are. on the tarty website, i would say that i am a long way off being as good as some of the riders on there, but i still have a deal with them. fair enough if your awesome, and have the skills to pay the bills then you do deserve a deal, however i know a few riders that have deals that I personally do not feel they deserve. Just purely because how they put themselves across, and how they approach other riders. I would like to think that anyone on here could come over, talk to me, ask me what stuff i recommend, and when they or I leave - they dont think i am a c*** basically. I like to offer advice on things i know about, and will make the effort to chat to anyone who wants to chat. just some of the things that I think are required to be sponsored