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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. have you got me those bars yet?
  2. hey man, we are flying from glasgow over to paris so wont be driving down. sorry dude. p.s. 8 folk....i forgot about ross
  3. Righty-ho gents... The Scottish Muckers and I (seven of us in total) are heading to buthiers for a week between the 12th and 19th May. If anyone is going to be around for some stunts and some banter that week / weekend then feel free to post here and come and join us. muchos gracias....
  4. ben_travis

    First Edit

    after watching the video again...my tips would be to pre-load more. you only seem to flick your ankles when you kick...get the rest of your legs involved. the things youa re doing at the minute you seem to be doing effortlessly. put some pasties into it and you will improve no end. bike looks nice too.
  5. because he is all seeing all knowing mr vandart.....
  6. ben_travis

    First Edit

    :-o....france has some of the brilliant natural....i would only ride natural if i lived near some of the locations france seems to have. i agree with some of the comments....i wouldnt be riding in the wet with that combination of pads / rim... damon doesnt do rain anyway. he is a p*ssy
  7. Got this beast for the price of a bottle of whiskey...got some changes i want to make to make it a little more friendly to blasting about...namely....i dont like drop bars. anyway
  8. So got me new frame and loving it so far. riding it as good as if not better than my ozonys. I cant wait to get riding properly and get a video made. Speed Race Solo 26 - 1090 / +50 / 380CS / 71.5* HA. (1.7kg) Horizontal Dropouts etc Anyway, wont bore you with it. some pictures of the bike...video coming soon hopefully. and some riding pictures...
  9. hey dude, sweet video. loved the short run up to brakeless wedge and over. also the 180 gap up stairs. big sidehop at the end too. like it. as agreed with pisanka....there is no brakeless video that matches up to akkers original one. no offence to anyone. original and the best. although i look forward to ali c's
  10. aye agreed - a bit out of order boys...have some respect. other than that. sweet TGS'ing
  11. ben_travis

    Danny Mac

    i certainly wish macaskill would get a frikken shave....bloody hobo
  12. bryan....are you still even alive? you had better make it along to a ride this weekend!!!!
  13. How does a sport become Olympic? To make it onto the Olympic programme, a sport first has to be recognised: it must be administered by an International Federation which ensures that the sport's activities follow the Olympic Charter. If it is widely practised around the world and meets a number of criteria established by the IOC session, a recognised sport may be added to the Olympic programme on the recommendation of the IOC's Olympic Programme Commission. taken from www.olympic.org
  14. paaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  15. i would consider buying it if it were like £20 or something. that'd be a sweet wrecking bike
  16. i have a thought for you alex seeing as you seem to be looking at middleburns... would it be possible to make a set of burns accept a FFW with a bit of CNC'ing and modding? or make an adapter that fits like a middleburn bashring which can accept a FFW
  17. schweeeeeeeeeet. love it. love it alll
  18. Your Boab....johnnys mooo'

  19. So I finally got my brakes back on my proper bike and this will be my last brakeless video. Thought i would stick together a fun clips video from saturday last week, THanks to towler for filming and his laughs. made editing interesting anyway. let me know your thoughts. it will be online within 30 mins haha
  20. there is loads of us lad. I know you cannot pm but where abouts near Aberdeen are you living? We are always riding intown so where so you are more than welcome to join us! Email me your number and I'll give you a shout! My address is biketrialsmedia@hotmail.com ben
  21. she did get smacked in the face by a lorry in america...
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