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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. haha ross......eeeeejit. no way mine are worth sticking up there. ben travis = brakeless fail!
  2. this statement is exactly what i thought. Infact i think my comments to mcarthur were - looks good, but will be snapped in a couple of weeks. good effort thought tom. best custom drilling done so far on any bike if you ask me. really neat job done.
  3. oh how i would jazz if i had a triton. Absolutely love them. Gazza - i think we have discussed before, but how much would i be looking at for a stock frame!? Ben
  4. hahaha wrinkly ol' bast*rds.....
  5. The new inspired is brilliant btw. From someone who doesnt really 'do' street bikes that is saying something. The frame, graphics, and componentry on the bike is superb and it just feels absolutely solid... This thing is going to be big...
  6. sweeeeeet vid man. looking comfortable on that bike again. just what i like to see. Love the cambu section . ruins bit wasn't as aesthetically pleasing as i thought it might be...cambu made up for it. tune sounds familiar..... catch you saturday!
  7. Canada looks like such a sweet place to ride. street and natty. as i said in your last video your up to backs are massive. Some sweet lines in there as well. Get another made soon, but make sure its in HD....
  8. i know you apologised but dude...but you need a tripod...badly. or a cameraman without parkinsons [/un-pc]
  9. its ok kev, im actually english...ill fly the flag for gods country!!!! 'mon all you scots...bring it awn. looking forward to the weekend boyos
  10. dont paint it....you will ruin it. leave it cro-mo and get it laquered. geo not to my taste, but looks ok all the same. could have been a little lighter as well, but other than that it looks alreet to me
  11. Hey Kev, Looking forward to this, Towler, Greg and I should all be down from Aberdeen. One thing that doesnt seem to have been mentioned is fees etc for doing the competition! If you could give some information on what we will need with us etc it would be much appreciated, and is more likely to get the competition up and running quicker. Ross....tactical dabs should be banned. We should have a rule in the elites that you have to either 5 or clean...
  12. looking forward to this gents. bring...it....awn
  13. ben_travis

    Guu Vid 2

    good lad gregory. vid was sweet. lets get that ankle healed properly then ill do a bit of filming in return for you :-p. tune was good as well.
  14. the andrew t song was from a vincent hermance video in colarado he made i think!
  15. :-o....then promptly visits the for sale section in the hope of a brakeless bicycle.....lets do this
  16. that last bail was one of literally the most epic i have seen. deary me
  17. finally you can join us big boys sam! looking forward to a video. how are you finding that rear tyre btw!? not a usual choice for a stock thats for sure.
  18. but the gap he does that he looks to be putting max effort into looks tiny! sidehops still big though.
  19. ooooo watch out...ross mcarthur might go mental about this...
  20. surely rozza the simplest solution is already available with running the cable through your top cap though?? although becomes a little bit of a pain in the botty for the rear magura. a solution could be sought for that other than running stupidly long cables.
  21. ben_travis

    Ross M - 24

    You could probably use this tune ross... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/modesty
  22. v-brake. grind. LGMS up front. extremely bitey. and loud. i love my vee. great for decent sized up to fronts. im thinking of trying it on a smooth rim to see how good they are then, however living in ecosse has its downsides due to the weather. grind is pretty light to be honest, although i have done it all over the sidewall. when i first did it i literelly just did it until the paint came off.
  23. looking forward to this boys. lets hope mcarthur can put some imagination in...
  24. Agreed with allistair - is this really what trials has become? bloody hell i wish some people would sort themselves out. EDIT: Grapes? What the f**k.... Fizzy Juice? Back in the 90's maybe. Tar? by far the cheapest out of the three. Grind - brilliant idea. if you really need to stick to having a smooth rim, a little bit of tar (which you can pick off any road pretty much for free...) will do the job.
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