Sorry to be a pain in the arse here guys but I'm going to have to return this one as well. . I actually manage to get past the menus this time, however when ido I get to the start of the oxford chapter, plays 30 seconds then skips to the next chapter, then the next until the point I am now freeze framed on Sam wheelers face as he tightens down his bike rack.
Now as much as I like Sam and have banked the photo for future moments I want to watch this f**king DVD on a big tele with good sound, and even when I go to my pc it just crashes it.
Ps I know this isn't your fault tarty boys. I just needed to vent my rage here. This is ridiculous.
Pps if you send me a copy out again I grant you permission to please test it.
Ppps I have tried ok every media player I own, every DVD player I know within reasonable distance and will try at my work pc again tomorrow. Yes vlc has been used.
Pppps I am raging
Edit: is there some kind of special way to insert this disc or something? If I try to watch the extras my ps3 pretty much blows up. I have checked for scratches on the disc I have done every update possible on my pc and still the only answer from this disc is - BEN, you sir, FAIL AT LIFE!!!
Rant pretty much complete