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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. oh dear its on early....amazing....8 minutes of fun ahead... Edit: as much as I hate to say this Danny is the sickest and best mountainbike rider on the planet without a doubt in my head. There is no point making any other trials video ever...
  2. there is loads of decent spots man. You will definitely enjoy yourself. Certainly worth making the visit. although get ready for a decent ride around as well. btw...is there much to ride on arran? i went there as a kid and would love to go again if the scenery / locations are worth it? what you reckon?
  3. sweeeeeet video. tomorrow is going to be exciting though...bring on the mac P.s....oooo my names danny mac....i own the streets. P....I.....M.....P
  4. Bike looks good. Love the eccentric drop out design Stem and bars are too low and long for my new found liking... Haha Ride soon
  5. ben_travis

    Danny Mac

    60% of the time it works everytime... looking forward to the 16th. Oh Deary Me
  6. or for a chain device such as an E13. i did think it was a little weird for the ashtons to have these mounts.
  7. the club before was NBTC Scotland. (I did the website for that), So that name will be find and dandy kev.
  8. yup, i agree with ross. nothing silly. just scottish bike trial club.
  9. Your profile must be set to private or something Kev. Unable to find them on flickr. do you have a link to your profile at all??? ta ben
  10. no built bike at the moment unfortunately. . waiting on some stuff then ill be back on the bike.
  11. Looking forward to it. I'll just be observing this time but I'll be there to show support. Will the trial be sign posted??
  12. You should have come to the comp. Greg is still in the deen tomorrow though. You should give him a shout
  13. mark.... footjam plate details / pics if you would be so kind?
  14. is there any point on the "wings" considering there is no additional pad material until the last bit of the brake pad? its worth trying i suppose, however making re-fills for them would be ridiculous.
  15. Can i ask what stem stanley has on his bike at the moment?
  16. ben_travis

    Danny Mac

    seriously wish they would just hurry up with this
  17. Good riding james...i liked the video. You are looking so much more confident on the bike now-a-days. get another one done
  18. looking forward to that. especially watching lewis ride.
  19. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice liked that ross. although i will have to have a listen at lunch for music as well.
  20. sites good mike. really liking it. your 'team' is coming along nicely with vince, martyn, leechy
  21. gregory...you rock my world. nice wee video wee man. lets get riding sooooon.
  22. ben_travis


    that'd be good ad's. ill get the dvd returned today. ta ben
  23. ben_travis


    Sorry to be a pain in the arse here guys but I'm going to have to return this one as well. . I actually manage to get past the menus this time, however when ido I get to the start of the oxford chapter, plays 30 seconds then skips to the next chapter, then the next until the point I am now freeze framed on Sam wheelers face as he tightens down his bike rack. Now as much as I like Sam and have banked the photo for future moments I want to watch this f**king DVD on a big tele with good sound, and even when I go to my pc it just crashes it. Ps I know this isn't your fault tarty boys. I just needed to vent my rage here. This is ridiculous. Pps if you send me a copy out again I grant you permission to please test it. Ppps I have tried ok every media player I own, every DVD player I know within reasonable distance and will try at my work pc again tomorrow. Yes vlc has been used. Pppps I am raging Edit: is there some kind of special way to insert this disc or something? If I try to watch the extras my ps3 pretty much blows up. I have checked for scratches on the disc I have done every update possible on my pc and still the only answer from this disc is - BEN, you sir, FAIL AT LIFE!!! Rant pretty much complete
  24. bloody hell at 00:42 he is stupidly high in that tuck. good effort with the steady cam too
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