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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. What on earth do you call that accent you had at the start :-p. Sweet video dude. Glad to see you are still throwing down the tricks!!
  2. Yea - I almost didnt use the song because the cobra advert started using the song. There have been a number of TV programs using it recently as well. Infuriating but nevermind. Nick - riding into people carriers wasnt intended but added to the ambiance... Cheers ross. It has taken far too long, but hopefully the next one will be around quicker.
  3. yea one did appreciate this...ben likes dunkirk. ben must visit dunkirk avec mon vtt
  4. Cheers for all the comments guys. Didn't expect that kind of reaction from anyone. Really appreciated. Sam - I laughed at your comment. If I am honest man, I will be back on brakeless as soon as possible, just depends on doing shows. On top of that I have a number of things I'd like to do that require me to at least have a back brake.
  5. Does the lockring have opposite threads so that it won't loosen when riding? Also, is it possible to make a better lock ring removal tool than that small four pin design? I am pretty sure of people not being able to remove the freewheel because they have damaged the pin holes!
  6. 2012 - Project 1....Brakeless Video Comments Welcome Misconceptions Blog
  7. I started 2012 with a desire to make a brakeless video again. The last time was short and sweet, however now I am a little more used to riding streety bikes I felt it was about the right time to try and come up with something. So here is my no-frills edit, just me, my inspired, and a camera. Thanks to Dave @ Inspired / Trialtech for the support since I switched to the inspired. Also wanted to put out a thanks to Tarty Bikes. While I am no longer a team rider, their support since I can remember has been greatly appreciated. I would NOT recommend any other shop for your trials needs. EDIT: I also forgot to thank everyone for filming, and putting up with endless frustration of not quite getting things how I wanted... I'd appreciate any comments / thoughts. Video linked here.... Misconceptions Blog
  8. How do people have the time to polish frames!? not wanting to be offensive, and while I am sure a polished look would be nice, it is only going to get scratched up, which wont look so hot? each to their own I suppose. maybe I am just being grumpy today
  9. I like the cleanzine updates.... they are nice
  10. Sweet riding Neil - i couldnt get over the two post to rail lines you did. I watched the video about 5 times just to see them again. Oh that and your fall on the up to front....LOL. just need some gaffa tape now for the camera man's mouth haha.
  11. Good video lad! Really impressed with that!!
  12. My friend Got a cheap effect, wondering how one might go about adapting it for a saint 180mm brake! Would it require removal of the brace plate? I've not had a chance to properly look yet, but thought someone might be able to help
  13. sounds like a trialskings video, but not sure which one for the life of me. stick that in youtube. you might just come up with it. I am at work atm so cant get on YT
  14. 10 years ago? I'd have been around those parts then!! Cal doesn't ring a bell though? Carl maybe? What bike did he ride?
  15. sweet video dude. some decent lines in there! hope you get on ok with the ankle man. i have to keep mine strapped up through fear of twisting ankles, seeing your clip on FB made me cringe alot, so hope you get better soon.
  16. cheers for that link dude. bike video watching time
  17. is there only one wall in middlesborough? never ridden it
  18. oooo the weegies are getting protective of their city eh? go to my home town, they'd have chainsawed your bike into pieces...Pub Drinking Game
  19. Ad....come on now. Get back on that bike. your smooth style suits it to a tee. Jealous. The setting for the video was sweet as well, liked it alot. I think you should build it back up dude...
  20. brilliant riding dude. Well worthy of all the comments you have had so far. Its even more inspiration for my next video. thanks man
  21. A little update for anyone that is interested.... Misconceptions Blog
  22. April 06!!!! How times have changed
  23. if it is the video of me and damon, then it should be on youtube somewhere. if not i could try and upload it to vimeo. Just ask / PM me
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