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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. sweet video ben. really liked it. lovely editing as ever. I also very much envy your spins...
  2. ben_travis


    liked that alot. gav is really getting on the with the brakeless isnt he!!
  3. Nice vid / blog update dude . liked it. Anyone got a scooby what forks Mark is running? are they just inspired forks or something different!? fair play on the chainless / brakeless drop in Carl -
  4. Ace video stan! Really enjoyed it!
  5. I enjoyed that. Dominiks riding is pretty dialled. I liked the bunny hop sideyways into rail ride. very good.
  6. Two blog updates - one day....this one is about reminiscing http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.co.uk
  7. Another little blog update from the weekend today... http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.co.uk
  8. dan, you need to sort the image in your header out, its far too big....i dont want to have to scroll to start reading your updates....just being picky. you could just crop that image you have used already... looking forward to seeing what you come up with
  9. Another little post on there: Maybe I'm Doing it Wrong.... http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.com
  10. Cheers for that dude. Appreciate your comment....hopefully you'll like the update I have just stuck up online http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.co.uk/
  11. Another little blog update for you all to read Misconceptions
  12. Definitely one of your best videos of the past couple of years TRA. big riding, many skills.
  13. agreed!! superb video. the crouched style he has is a bit weird but really good
  14. For those of you who do still read the blog from time to time.....I have just added another post up there Misconceptions
  15. Joe, can you make your videos available to play on mobiles? I don't know how you do it YouTube, not really sure why it's not automatic really but....yea....sort it please )
  16. I think my favourite line in that video was the roll up to 180 to tire tap off right at the start. Overall i loved the video, it was really good. Some bits i wasnt too sure about, however the balancing at the end was nice..."oh ill just scratch my nose" haha not quite as funny an accent as Hans....but close
  17. Loved all the funny noises u make dude! Sweet video and über pleased for you getting on tb team! You deserve it man!!!
  18. Loved the blog updates recently mark! Some good points in that last update....i was only trying to geta few extra views and that....can't believe you'd hate on me so much :-p Seriously though. I wanna go to Sam fest next time round. Any guy who lets fireworks off in his = legend. Sam and ballotelli should be pals...
  19. Jammers for demos loon!! Can't be without them on a demo rig; Your dad got some sweet pics greg!! Hopefully pinch a few of them off his wall on FB at some point
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