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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. i laughed all the way through. liked that dude. Now go back out and get the manual to bin line pulled eh...
  2. I dont know how you manage to do what you do on that bike leon, but its good stuff anyway. That first bail from the tree looked nasty...liked the big rolling gap off the school roof
  3. Cheers for all the comments guys. Glad people seem to be enjoying it
  4. Love the video man! So good
  5. Its been a while since I have truly thought about every aspect of my video making, from camera work, to the riding through to the editing process and this 'competition' was the perfect way to change the way my videos were looking. My interpretation was to make the best video I could, with riding I had never done before and finding new lines to do in my home town of Aberdeen. This video is the result of approximately 5 days worth of riding and filming, but around a month of google mapping and physically hunting to find new things to try and do. A big thanks is put out to Stuart Leel for helping with the filming and putting up with how anal I was about the whole process. I have a little write up on the blog - http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.co.uk - but if you'd rather just watch the video then go ahead
  6. HAHA an excel spreadsheet...that is clever stuff. Probably should have done that as well. nevermind...
  7. i think you need to change the http:// into an https:// could be wrong though
  8. All done and dusted...a few little tweaks and alterations tomorrow to the edit and it'll be Go! Go! Go! EDIT: been some really good entries so far, but interested to see what the rest have! Judging the novice category will be a long task...
  9. Liked the video man, good to see you mixing up the brakeless and the brakes. I must admit that high rise set up you have going on is...well...mental haha
  10. tooo good on that brakeless bike now flipp...really damn impressed with all the riding in there.
  11. Matty has a big future ahead of him if he carries on. Bit early to say the 'next big thing though', however i envy some of his abilities and im over twice his age. Oh to be young again
  12. These t-shirts are starting to get ridiculously tight duncs...
  13. WTF is this youtube cr*p....argh. will have to wait until hometime.
  14. loving all the work you guys are doing...seriously impressive. I'd like to do something similar as my first 'house', would certainly make it more of a home once its finished. Only problem being the Aberdeen house prices...
  15. Just go for them man! I've done a few things I've never done before in this video and had that exact feeling...it's crazy to think that I've done them now. Pretty pleased with myself and sure it'll be (at the very least) one of my favourite videos of my own once it's complete! I have faith in you...
  16. final clips have been collected. now its the editing process. hoping it has come out the way i wanted it too...
  17. why not just have flat bars with a change of dimensions on the stem?
  18. ben_travis

    Ali's Getaway

    I think some people are worrying about the 'creative' thing a little too much (not saying ali), just feel some are trying to forcefully be different. Choosing a different medium for example is not the only way to be creative, ali has mixed in decent riding, with a theme (travelling), with shooting on the older medium to create something completely different. Not saying mine will be an exception, nor do I feel that mine will meet the 'creativity' that some are maybe looking for. When I read the 'brief', my initial thought was - 'I need to start filming and editing properly again'. it's been a long time since I have made a video that i have thought about every shot, and truly considered all aspects of what i am documenting. In fact when i released my first video on the inspired someones (think it was JD) response was that the video felt 'rushed'. He was right, and as such I hope to make it right with this video. Ali's video was different, but sweet. It took me 3-4 watches to get into it, but thats because we are used to either high quality videos, constructed well and showing only the finished article of a riders abilities or videos where the rider thinks about nothing but the move he is doing where he / she could consider the background, the shot, angle, and all other little things etc.
  19. ben_travis

    Ali's Getaway

    I LOVED that last move. Don't know why that one in particular, but just so smooth, and looked good on that footage. Your comment the other day on FB was right...it will split opinion, but its certainly is creative & certainly very risky (in terms of possibly missing the documentation of what you'd like to document). I personally enjoyed the video, wasnt too keen on the song (but that fits with the trippy video), riding was really good though, and I love how you have gone out of the ordinary to express yourself.
  20. ben_travis

    Andrew Dickey

    really enjoyed that. his riding is pretty big and some sweet, yet v. dangerous stuff in there....
  21. That's the right way to edit man...music first, then clips on top...
  22. my 'staying local' theme is looking like it could be a good choice then haha
  23. loved that video. tom is sooooo good and goes so big
  24. that hop over the bar is a beast ali. fair play on that one
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