I don't think there is really a problem saying this...however here is a summarised review of the details sent out by Ben R to the judges of the competition. Hopefully this should answer some of the questions posed...
Both Groups - Novice / Sponsored
Both Novice and Sponsored Riders are judged on "style", "creativity" and "video production" respectively. Each are scored between 1-10 with 10 being the highest or best score you can give.
It is up to the judge what you feel makes up good "style", "creativity", etc. Both groups need to consider how well somebody has managed if they have clearly had to film themselves or is using lesser quality cameras, etc.
Judges of Novice Category
The novice category requires not only scoring as above but noting down what you feel to be the
· "biggest move",
· "most tech move",
· "best video for a rider of less than a year"
· And "6 spot prizes for six videos that are felt to deserve some particular merit in the judges eyes”
Judges of Sponsored Category
Your job is different in the sense that you only have to take consideration of the video production (solo filmed, lower quality equipment, etc.) and you don't have to consider the age of the rider and so on. Just watch the video and judge it according to the set criteria.