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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. Going back in time a little, but found this little gem... http://mpora.com/videos/dZicDSBkt
  2. where the arrow is shown, is called a car park...for parking cars.. dammit...just checked my own link...FML here https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=211469072000003399125.0004cc63f74acad7b87aa&msa=0
  3. Righty-o guys, Think the plan is to meeting in Kirkcaldy about 11, at the beach front will probably be the best place / easiest place to meet. So I suggest here https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=211469072000003399125.0004cc63f74acad7b87aa&msa=0 see you all there hopefully
  4. I don't think there is really a problem saying this...however here is a summarised review of the details sent out by Ben R to the judges of the competition. Hopefully this should answer some of the questions posed... Both Groups - Novice / Sponsored Both Novice and Sponsored Riders are judged on "style", "creativity" and "video production" respectively. Each are scored between 1-10 with 10 being the highest or best score you can give. It is up to the judge what you feel makes up good "style", "creativity", etc. Both groups need to consider how well somebody has managed if they have clearly had to film themselves or is using lesser quality cameras, etc. Judges of Novice Category The novice category requires not only scoring as above but noting down what you feel to be the · "biggest move", · "most tech move", · "best video for a rider of less than a year" · And "6 spot prizes for six videos that are felt to deserve some particular merit in the judges eyes” Judges of Sponsored Category Your job is different in the sense that you only have to take consideration of the video production (solo filmed, lower quality equipment, etc.) and you don't have to consider the age of the rider and so on. Just watch the video and judge it according to the set criteria.
  5. i think the idea is to only list 1,2, & 3 so as not to reduce the inspiration / motivation to those younger riders who didnt do as well as they would hope! Unfortunately its alot easier to take the result as a criticism, and get depressed about your ability then it is take it as constructive and use it as a motivator... I am sure if, once the results are published, you wanted to get in touch and find out where you placed then it wouldnt be too much of a problem.
  6. lets hope for a little more promising weather than is currently estimated.. http://uk.weather.com/weather/10day-Kirkcaldy-UKXX1279
  7. and I stayed up till all hours after uni making sure they were watched....
  8. which is what the competition was all about
  9. Haha thanks man! I've been trying to perfect the bmx stuff! Lets be honest I was never that great at pogo'ing so ill leave that to the skilled ones like yourself
  10. A little blog update of my new machine.... http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.co.uk
  11. i didnt believe the forum rumours mr westlake, I am just a believer that it is the way forward. skye disc mount + hex = win? damn you inspired guys for researching and testing it so damn good.
  12. glad you like it mike. Looking forward to making the next one, plenty of ideas in my head for it....Screw the 'lympics its all about 'Ben Rowlands - inspiring a generation'
  13. hahaha. loved that...definitely worth keeping that is
  14. Looked forward to this video and I felt you did it justice. I liked the clip of the sliders at the start, good video overall. Hope the next one we bang together shows off your abilities fully. LIKE
  15. its been said over and over and over, but my god jack is a total beast. wishing him well with the comps next year. v. impressive
  16. i liked that...flipps crash is pretty darn funny
  17. ben_travis


    Loved that last line man! Brillo
  18. So....today is the first of october...i believe that mr rowlands has extended the submission date until today. GET your entries in ASAP
  19. looking forward to seeing what you put together man. Any chance you could vimeo it rather than youtube?
  20. another good video. liked that man. who is the music by?
  21. ben_travis


    music..nae....rest of the video YAY. i have no idea how you managed some of those combos. skillzzz
  22. I have put a blog update up with my video on it...comments are definitely welcome. http://mis-conceptions.blogspot.co.uk ta ben
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