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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. takes some getting used to, i couldn't do shit on them before, now i got 52 the other night, so you know it can be difficult you just have to perservere (sp?)
  2. 16:14, perfect for street and natural. adamant a1 tyres are around 20psi or so, maybe less, cos i have new echo rims so to get bounce i run em lower
  3. seeing as no-body has hit the nail on the head here, there are a few differences LONGER STAYS ON A2A2 IS WHITEA1 IS U6 ALUMINIUM AND LIGHTERA2 IS 6061 I THINK thats the ones i know if you compare the descriptions on tartybike it will tell you and there would be no need for this post . Below is a pic of my A1. I have found it hard to tap, but im getting it now, had 52" t'other night. So its fine to tap when u dial technique. If you only tap, then dont bother with any HIGH BB,
  4. "BLA" dare we go, love it, now running heatsink reds on a cnc backing, and tis lovely laters
  5. dont be daft ben, i cant ride for shit, im to uci for all these streety guys, who reckon they dont care. a few posts in here have already started to slag off the UCI stylee. CAN WE ALL JUST LEAVE THIS TOPIC ALONE< WHO CARES WHAT WHO RIDES. ITS ALL TRIALS NOW SHUT UP YOU FAGS< IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF> anyway. waynio is one of the soundest lads i have had pleasure to meet. really good lad. thats all really. think porter will be a good person to get an article on, but i dont read MBUK cos its shit to be honest. too much crap and false advertising (people pay for good reviews)
  6. the TF tape is where someone guesses what height they are making, and then exaggerates some more, its actually gone to the point where 50" was the said measurement, but the height was actually about 38-40 so you know, its where people exaggerate a fair bitty.
  7. seems a bit of a stupid comment to make. anyway, to mr POOPIPE.... its hard to describe, im just managing to get ma taps back, ws doing 50" roughly last night, and its not TF tape u sarcy bastards . The technique is harder to dial, but i imagine if you have a higher stem then they become easier, i have a much lower stem but like i say, im getting there now. Also it is a lot harder to land up to back wheel on the tap, for example i was doing 50 and never kept it on back wheel, the front just comes down so easy, but i will get there, now if you want to talk hooks, then high BB is the way forward, so nice to ride for hooks anyway im off to find a hooker
  8. thats the exact response i wanted, mainly to point out that onza boy mark is wrong in sayin UCI stuff is boring, if street heads like mike are doing stuff like this, it cant be that boring, even i like mixing the odd spinny thing in there. meh, ill help you with hooks mike if you teach me how to do some of the weird stuff u do see you on leeds ride
  9. there was a post similar to this recently, with some boy saying how he wasnt enjoying it as much. which is his opinion, no-one can change it, only he can. Its the same scenario here. To which im going to have a reply similar to ALI C's I LOVE TRIALS RIGHT NOW> I dont give a shit whether i get slagged cos all i do is hook tap and sidehop. I like trying to go bigger, its the funnest part in my opinion, yes i get frustrated, but its what i enjoy doing. Im good mates with damon watson, and we always have a laugh talking about who is best, who cna go bigger. but it is all in jest, bit of banter to spice it up. Im about to start trying more technical stuff. hopping onto rails etc, and whether u say it or not it takes big balls when its handlebar heigh. if you have tried it or reckon you would i challenge you too. its difficult. in reply to bongo, i understand your awesome on your bmx, and overall there is probably more danger, but if your ten feet up doing a twelve foot gap over water in bristol then im sure thats pretty sketchy as well. There is danger in trials, just because your not travelling at 100mph doesnt mean that its not dangerous. I enjoy watchin BMX, its cool, but I, yes ME, I MOI prefer trials, and its much more fun. onzaboymark, you really need to stop watchin trials vids if you find them so repetitive. Thats what trials riders do. we are not BMXers, we dont mix tricks like BMXers, so if you can find the perfect trials video then ill be happy to watch it, somewhere there will be a street video that has a big up in it. James porter is an example, he does all this spinny stuff, but hooks taps drops gaps, thats what trials is mainly about. even the likes of miek (leedtrials) does gaps, sure he does technical stuff, but can he hook, u know its what we enjoy doing my 2p too much writing
  10. echo urbans, same as damon. the whole build is same as damons
  11. hey guys, i agree with ben, give it a longer chance, the ride style is very different. You will need to give it a chance. Anyway no pics of adamants in this thread so thought i would add one here i always tend to go off chrome frames, such as the hi-fi, i am bored of silver but anyway, heres a black een
  12. its not an advert, damon is one of the hardest riders in the UK, he goes big and knows what works and what doesnt work. He just wanted to put a small review of what he has found over the past month with the bike. give him a break, jesus, this is an informative post for those who want to buy the components, although maybe he could have left the web addresses off the post, but he isnt exactly going to be reviewing a product of viz's is he, he doesnt ride for them, so how or why would he evaluate these products. THIS IS WHAT HE RIDES, he cant review stuff he doesnt use. this is not a form of advertising in my opinon. and its a better post than some of the others that are being put up in trials chat at the moment, jesus give him a break
  13. kyle your not going to be pished like you were in that video are you. come on guys, get your arses out, commit to this ride, also i noticed wayne mohammet wont commit, mr waynio u will recieve a back hand from my......back hand if you dont get your arse there love you really
  14. hey again ali, seem to be following you at the moment. lots of posts after urs or vice versa. anyway. I LOVE MY ADAMANT, its great, really enjoy riding it, and i have never had more fun. My toxsin was good, it was a great bike, but mainly for taps, which i like, but not as much as hooks and sidehops. Also in my opinion is much better for natural. Both of ali's above comments are opinions, and i know i disagree. Ali is an awesome rider, and knows what he is talking about with regard to GEO and bikes in general, however i think its each to their own on this. I LIKE HIGH BB RISE, its good. better for the things i like doing. but, if you like tapping then dont go there. its not a bike for taps. im just starting to get there, but is difficult. also dont go with such a high rise stem, i have the low HIFI stem on my bike and its LUSH
  15. RIGHT, will everyone in this thread stop talking SHIT, unless you know the exact truth then shut up making rumours etc. Firstly, i am riding for adamant, and have echo and zoo parts on my bike. I have run the echo hub, as has team rider Damon Watson, CLS and Tunni are also running the hub,along with us im sure there are riders worldwide testing the hub. Im sure that only us four are the riders in the UK who have an echo hub. Both me and damon have had problems with skipping, while damon has blown his up. I dont know craig and tunni personally so i dont know there problems or joys of riding the hub. The truth is that the spring design was not the best. Damon and I have both suggested to deng he re-design the hub with leaf springs rather than the design that is currently being used. Also chinese riders have had problems with theirs by the sounds of things. So in conclusion..... There have been PROBLEMS with the current design, A NEW DESIGN is being made by DENG. this will be out in THREE or SO months, yes MONTHS. this will allow for a better design, and hopefully a more reliable design. SO. STOP TALKING SHIT IF YOU HAVENT A CLUE. I KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING AND THAT IS OUTLINED ABOVE. THANKS
  16. well mr read nah, it was sorted, ill try the KHE again soon, im happy with it now, and if chain snaps ill try KHE. cheers for all the help guys and MR read, on daves account love you both really
  17. ali, the thomson is more than worth it, i can guarantee it will be the best purchase you will ever get (stem wise) just go for it, race face are pish, and FSA are not the best either, thomson all the way im afraid, it is definately worth the extra moolah. my 2p
  18. i think some people take the street vs uci thing way too seriously. Its a problem we have to over come, in fact i quite like the banter with some of the more streety people, but those who take it seriously are just f**king weird. i mean after all, its just a bit of fun for most of us. I like both sides, if i could afford a streety bike as well i would have one, although i doubt i would use it as much. as you said, both riders u mentioned are awesome, however if there is this big divide, what would you say about james porter for example, probably one of the most amazing riders on this forum, yet he mixes technical more streety stuff with uci big taps, hooks etc. i dont give a shit about whether i ride UCI or street, both are fun in their own right, its what each person goes toward, people just take the divide to seriously.
  19. hey all, thought i would give an update FIXED IT. here was my solution, put a KMC back on, put second jockey wheel back on, adjusted chain line, and seems to be fine. Although im sure now it would run fine with the KHE As well. problems i noticed were that surly cog has much longer teeth than standard, chain should wrap further round the cog on its cycle (pardon the pun) and then less likely to pull against, teeth, hard to discribe. running one cog with a tight chain was difficult, so putting two cogs on seemed to help situation. meh its all sorted also sam, the SURLY cog has a wide base same as a king cog, so shouldnt and hasnt caused any freehub damage, cheers for all the help guys ben
  20. Giro E2 is the helmet of champions lovely helmet, will be awesome for anyone, fits nicely and works a treat, v. strong, those who saw me bang my head yesterday will agree
  21. just wanted to sya i have finished my uni work for this semester with only a presentation to go tommorow, all is good, im happy, and good luck to all you lads and lasses who are finishing uni for chrimbo this week and have all sorts of shit to do. but anyway, its such a relief, back home next week, bristol on sunday, leeds on 27th, looking forward to it all awwwwwwwwww yer ben
  22. cool. cheers for the hints guys, ill try them all, to mr wood. i would rather keep the KHE chain mainly because i snapped a KMC cool last week, and it hurt. so strongest other chain is KHE. may even try a cool chain again. meh we will see ben cheers boys
  23. http://tartybikes.co.uk/products.php?product=bikes 500 pound complete t-rex, go take alookie scroll down a bit
  24. righty chain problems, KHE collapse chain, echo fixed 16tooth cog up front, king hub on back with 14th surly cog. and my mech is a 105, wiht only one jockey wheel (bottom) problem : while riding around my chain constantly skips, i can ride if im only doing power stuff (without runups) but anything that requires run up = taps, hooks, etc i cant do them because of the chain skipping. chain is brand new this week, fixed cog has been run for about 3-4weeks, with a kool chain on, surly cog is about 2 months old, and i really cant see where the problem is. its definately not my chain line, this is near straight. meh any ideas would be good ta
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