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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. Hey guys, PLEASE GO TO WWW.NBTC-SCOTLAND.COM +==========================================================+ RIGHT....... Hey guys, this is now edited please get yourselves along to www.nbtc-scotland.com and find all the information regarding the NBTC SCotland trials series. Cheers Ben -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALSO, so people know. In aberdeenshire, at stonehaven, there will be a trials area (similar to fort augustus) opening soon. The 'furniture' will be put in this weekend, BUT please do not ride is just yet, the ground is not good enough to hold the bikes yet, please wait till its a little dryer, and hopefully we will be getting more stuff soon. I have emailed the forestry commission regarding their help. SO PLEASE DO NOT RIDE IN THIS AREA JUST YET. ITS OUT OF BOUNDS FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES. I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN IT BECOMES AVAILABLE. Please dont hesitate to ask me about stuff. Add me to MSN or text me if u have my new number. Cheers Ben +==========================================================+
  2. ben_travis

    Glasseye Dvd

    dvd was good. Well edited, good music choices. my turn to be the only person who wont go straight into the BUMMING>.......... so. much of the riding was old. and some of it has been seen before. In fact a fair bit of it has been seen before. I can live with it because nick edited it so well. So i wasnt THAT impressed with the riding, some of you street riders are nut bars though. I know its hard because trials moves on so quickly with so many sheep, as well as so many people becoming so good so quickly its hard to keep up with trends, styles, and abilities, hence why we release alot of short videos as a forum. Maybe if all the rights of the music had been secured first rather than editing once music rights have been recieved and this would speed up the process. JUST SOME THOUGHTS. BUT before some dick takes that to heart. I enjoyed the DVD overall. very good value considering the amount of effort put in. my 2p
  3. so the website i run is www.hull-trials.co.uk...... check it out please . thoughts?
  4. so you all know burton has an E2 lid. Which means it doesnt have a removable shell. and the styrene is visible in numerous places. i think u just need to buy a new lid dan, but if u want to spray it then make sure u cover all the styrene stuff. and yer..... will be good to know u dont have same colour lid as me
  5. last i heard damon had taken his fourbolt booster off, and his brake runs amazing. I was running a heatsink, tried an RB, tried a control booster and none of them allowed me to set the brake up properly on the adamant. so i have been riding boosterless since christmas really. and its great. superb so
  6. get down here u fudge packers
  7. sorry bill, but not so sure on those comments, there was nothing special about EITHER of the highlighted, but the riding was excellent. monty's look light (EDIT: sorrry they look as if they ride quite light). Also while im here, for those who think he is stupid wearing lycra, u daft spoons. its warmer than normal clothing while your riding, sure it looks gay, but its warm
  8. i like all the bold points in the quote above, give me something to talk about . TRIALS SHACK is probably the best we will have, dedicated biketrials media, super speeds and it works, and even for the retards we have on this forum is simple to use. You dont need to sell it to me si, ill be using it, i know it will be good, the old system was. and glad to see you'll have banners, get some mooooooolah rolling for the shack so that it goes for much longer this time. I was merely trying to tell people to stop bumming, just in general, its gay, it really is, TV.ISG.SI is equally as good for now, maybe ill be proved wrong, but i can see people using both. Simple. So if i am wrong im sorry, but some people on this forum, wait..........ALOT OF PEOPLE. Go around bumming videos, certain riders, certain forum members and its annoying to f**k, ur not cool cos u love certain people, riders or videos, get over that fact and the forum be a better place. that wasnt aimed at anyone in particular
  9. NO but, yeah but, seriously but, no but, yeah but nooooooo anyway. check this site for some of the best pics of the aberdeen locals link here. > then look through the galleries enjoy. POST YOUR FAVOURITES HERE>
  10. but with the clean look how is si meant to keep the money flowing for the site to run. If i were si, i would suggest having banners for the shops just like TF so that he has money going into the site, and im sure the banners help the shops otherwise they wouldnt have the banners. A VICIOUS CYCLE. maybe so, but TV.ISG.SI (come on nick its not hard to type) works, it does work there is no doubting that. YES simons host was good, but its not the holy grail and the only one we will use. I guarantee ill use both. As long as i get an account .
  11. i OWN aberdeen, im the freaking man, BEN FOR the WIN> O YER YOU NO IT IM GUNNA PWN Y"ALL> YER BABY yer i should be oot
  12. granted i also loved the shack of love back in the day, and im sure it will provide an excellent service again BUT tv.isg.si is an excellent host, there is no denying their user interface works, and the download speed is fairly good. or it is for me anyway. good on you simon, sure your site will be excellent with a good code etc and good interface, but there will be another host alongside it people. TV.ISG.SI is a good host, granted eengoedidee.nl sucks dick, but it always has. enough of the bumming, simon is helping the trials community, but seriously enough bumming.
  13. from a rider who has only ever ridden one python, and one GU, i can say that even thouggh the bar/stem setup on the GU was wack, it still felt a shitload better. THE GU for the win. everytime. its just nicer. but much lighter, for a rough rider also known as more likely to snap ben
  14. none of them are pro though towler, in fact all three are wank riders anyway. sheeeeeeet c**ts haha
  15. he rode the world championships at addingham this year though, that would mean he is a fairly decent comp rider to be selected for that ? if you ask me my favourite british comp rider would hard to be decided, i dont keep up with comp results, i do like to ride them, but dont keep up with them. a few that look good are waynio savage slinger stan shaw joe oakley - good for his age, the little bas beat me at fort william iolo - aran is a sweet rider and an awesome guy. ashton - maybe not so competitive at the moment, but can still handle himself akkers - as someone mentioned above, he has a strange mentality but boy can he ride. duncan shaw - super smooth on his bike ace rider and the only scottish representitive If you ask me there are only a few 20" riders that all people know about who ride comps, hence why i have named a few 26" riders. those are just a few. topics pretty shit anyway
  16. the breakfast club........ was on tv last night, and is utter shit.
  17. The first Matrix - just the best. it seriously is.....original and amazing. toy story 1 & 2 - brilliant, and im not afraid to admit i like them. Oceans Eleven - loved it. really really good. Fight Club - twisted, and really good. Memento - even more twisted than the above...ou wouldnt believe me if you didnt see it. Dodgeball - at globogym were better than you.......and we know it./1!!!!!! so funny. Sixth Sense - I enjoyed it. was very good. I see dead people. 51st state - samuel l jackson in a kilt, what more can be found funny. very good film. Red Dragon - a f**ked up film, but very good. Cinderella man - amazing film, really hate russell crowe, but this was good. SHREK......SHREK 1 & 2 RULE. FUNNY AS FOOK
  18. where exactly do they do it cheaper http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Browse/catal...ands%3DSony.htm or http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...9833929-7088438 i know which one seems cheaper......the one one amazon, and i cant even find it on argos. silly billy
  19. EDIT: i dont want this to sound like im shouting at you or slagging you. i feel quite strongly about this cos its the ONE thing that pisses me off about this forum. but dont tell me not to use it, because i only really come on here. i ride my bike and work thats my life at the moment, (well it is now me and the missus broke up) im upset and cheesed off so dont take the following the wrong way cheers. well you should have used the search button then, this has been asked before. thing is, who cares about how big your going, this is my point, all walks of trials are interesting and amazing in their own right. i have totally stopped worrying about size now-a-days, i go out ride some shit, try new stuff, make a fool of myself, make shit videos, make ok vids, make a website. ALL FOR THE LOVE OF TRIALS. it doesnt matter how good or how bad you are. size doesnt matter. ride for the fun. JESUS.
  20. so you know, going big is no longer considered cool. all the sheep have decided that if u ride street its cool. and by street i mean big bunny hops and technical stuff. sidehopping onto rails will get you bummed, although its not as hard as it looks. so do spins, technical rail stuff, and do it good, then the whole forum will bum you pretty much. it seems going big is not considered to be boring and repetitive, people forget its hard to do so. BUT......the minute CLS/TUNNI/DAMON or any of the guys like that release a video, all the little sheep love it, but then when a more well known forum member says its boring and repetitive then all the little noobs change their mind and go back to following street and wanting leesons/ashtons/cuntis'..... EDIT: dont get me wrong, i enjoy watching the street side of trials, shrewers, judders, pratt, berridge and the like, i enjoy watching their vids or clips of them. the stuff they do is beyond me. The likes of ALI C and PORTER at the moment have both released ashton vids this week and both were amazing and made me try new stuff whhich is what you want. but there are too many people who think "my god if i get an ashton ill be able to do this". this is not true, in fact its complete bollocks. All the names i have mentioned above are good in their own right and at what they do. ITS ONLY TRIALS AFTER ALL. just because we ride one way or another it becomes boring. then you get the dicks who come on here who have quit trials who just come on to say how shit trials is. WHICH IS GAY. what type of sad b*****d comes online to do that. if you dont like trials then f**k OFF. we all have one common interest....we ride bikes in different ways to the normal. we spend shit loads on bikes and go to rides and meet new people. some people need to stop being such sheepish twats and pull their heads out of some peoples arses and enjoy how everyone rides. I personally am amazed at all sorts of different riding. some natural some street, some go big, some go technical, its all cool. argh this topic allowed me to get some feelings out. i needed to say that. thats my two peice sorry im a little upset tonight, so this isnt aimed at anyone, just a trend i noticed.
  21. ive been through a fair few frames now, and i prefer the adamant to any of them. ddg curtis coust toxsin brisa adamant dmr trailstar are a list of the frames i have had
  22. but kyle....................... YOUR FAT. so its to be expected love you really.
  23. VW golf mk4/5 not sure which, not the newest one. 1.6 litre engine racing green. I love it, always wanted the version i have, obviously i would prefer more power but i dont have the money for insurance or car, or anything haah ben
  24. 1. magura 05 brakes 2. Grind on both wheels 3. heatsink reds up front - awesome and hardly wear / CNC backings with coust pads ont rear (even better with a decent grind) 4. water and die icer
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