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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. i hurt it in london weekend before fort william demo, and the swelling is only just going down . Ive been trying some light riding, and have also been using a six six one ankle support. Its a reet pain in the arse like. I might send off my form tonight just to put me down, if thats ok with mick? ta ben
  2. AHEM........think you will find i was the instigator of that signiture mr wayne.
  3. Sorry guys, i dont think ill be riding. I know I know its a big let down cos i would whoop some major arse haha i wish Im up for being an observer. If anyone wants me to. Wish i could ride but my ankle is seriously taking a beating at the moment and probably shouldnt be riding ben
  4. your rubbish though watson i mean lets not beat around the bush here. You started a fight in fort william then rode poo..... love you really. FFS watson its - give it SOME pasty. x
  5. fraid not waynio....... try A****N B***S
  6. After riding it last weekend (one of the first to i think) I must admit that even though waynios set up is nothing like mine, it actually rode quite well. Yes this was suprising to me as im used to the +55mm bb and super low bar set up. The colours are manky IMO, but its because the bike rides well that ill let it off . Nice one
  7. adobe photoshop does the work for you i dont think its a function on the camera
  8. Yer im KINDA running the site. Towler made the initial idea, Ron @ digital solutionz did the design then i refined it. So yer KINDA running it, (i do all the updates and stuff). Unforetunatley the guy didnt get the sidehop over the rail which sucks a tad, but sure ill live. ill get the two pictures sorted cool weekend, thanks to all those that came, you know who you are. Hope to see you again soon. ben
  9. This is exactly the reason i dont big up my sponsors on the forum. As much as i would like to, as two of them pay for banners /advertising etc, i know i would get slated. I would say im of a decent standard and have been round long enough to test a fair few products. BUT many people take it the wrong way and think im just bigging up my sponsors, but I feel that we as sponsored riders SHOULD be able to talk freely about the products we ride. I have openly admitted the new echo rims are not that good, and that at the moment im using an onza HOG which is still an awesome rim. THen i could go on to say buy these from tartybikes. Whats the problem with that? I would expect Porter/wheeler/ etc to say select bikes instead of tartybikes, and it doesnt bother me. There are limits though, if the rider is blatantly taking the piss on the amount they suggest where to get the parts from then its just annoying for everyone but when someone asks what we reccomend and where they can get it from then if I say select bikes sell them surely this is a disservice to my sponsor. We as sponsored riders are out to sell ourselves and test components before everyone else risks their lives using said products. Meh, just my opinion. I feel that us as sponsored riders should be allowed to say where to get stuff and make posts saying how we feel products are riding AS LONG AS ITS IN MODERATION
  10. LINK HERE Please take a look around the site as well, this is the new NBTC-SCOTLAND scottish trials series. HOpefully we will strive to provide a good club for the riders of eccosse. Anyway.... Your thoughts on the pictures Ben p.s please give it ten mins as its uploading now
  11. come on guys, lets be serious here.
  12. I wouldn't go around slagging off other companies products. With the same idea as Ali C, if i ddentthink a product works all that well then I will say so. Thing is, perception of "sponsored persons" attitude is created by what all the little bummers say. If one makes a comment saying; "your just saying that because you ride for x,y,z company" then all the arseholes come out giving it what for, when in actual fact the person probably is just giving advice on what they feel is right. For example, i rridefor adamant and heatsink (also tartybikes but they aain'ta company) SO........i ride their products. So if I big them up its because i think they work. I ddentride an ashton so i cant comment, but towler had an ashton back in the day mk1, and it was balls, it rode shit, so to me MK1 ashton is crap. However at the moment there are certain deng products i have on my bike that i would like to change and sort out, and at the moment (to me) coust-sinks and heatsink red pads are among the best available. Of course im not going to come on the forum and slag off adamant/deng products/heatsink components instead i will go to said sponsor and say "this isnt working, we need to work on this etc etc" and when its working right i will tell the forum how well the bits are working. meh, good topic, kinda got my brain working . To finish, no i wouldn't slate other companies products to get them to buy mine. Instead i let people ride my bike / watch my videos and hope that this instead entices them to buy said companies components. Id rather give advice and let people on my bike than slag other companies off, because its pointless
  13. i heard you bodged your willy kyle.....is it true? please tell me its not. i heard it happened when you shaved your pubes but cut ur willy off as well haha. many a mech hanger has been bodged, all sorts, but that was back in the day. i run a sweet bike now
  14. Demo is on sunday. Should be good. Anyone in the area, we (me, waynio, towler, duncan, savage, watson, steve) are all meeting in fort bill tommorow to go for a ride. So if anyone fancies it. Pm me tonight and ill give you my number. Cheers ben
  15. nope. nope. nope. you always out to shoot me down adam, im going to make you my bitch next time i see you ..... haha. ill let stan off then. he is coming to the dark side (but 55mm is where its at ) *CHANTS* -> HIGH BB, HIGH BB, HIGH BB, YOU ARE RE-CYCLE-ING, YOU ARE RE-CYCLE-ING, YOU ARE RE-CYCLE-ING, YOU ARE RE-CYCLE-ING
  16. Stan, did you modify that chain tensioner? It looks like a rohoff on that has been modified. Or i may well be wrong. Eiether way it looks nice and neat. Liking the bike BUT GET SOME BB RISE, u pussy haha. get it in a video soon boyo. ben
  17. I only do it when im feeling frisky and i need to have the friction to get me going. After all thats how us northerners like it. shocking comments there......truly disgusting......
  18. fraid not.... i have the exact same set up as he does adamant A1 Long zoo bars echo hifi (low rise) stem....... low rise stem rules, high bb rules, but as someone said dont think it will make you ride like damon. Aim to ride like me, cos im shit
  19. well we are just starting out now, so i dont know how well it will all go, but im hoping we dont have to close in a years time. it seems to be a thankless task, tom and co. put alot of effort in advertising the comps and making them cheap with a mixture of street indoor and outdoor. The comps seemed successful, but the lack of support means this decision has been reached. Many people criticise but dont aim to help, "first to slag, last to help" <--- thats the statement that sums it up me thinks (about alot of people in trials). comps are fun and allow to meet new riders. Anyway thats my tuppence Ben
  20. nope the coust pads are the best pad for BITE out there. I love mine, although wish they had a little more hold. Thing is there will never be a perfect pad, and until people realise that this topic will keep popping back up. koxx browns are crap. Im sorry, compared to some pads out now they are. my list of useable pads..... cousts heatsink reds koxx reds seem ok majic pads tarty pads (cant get them though) koolstops on a grind
  21. wayne would you pm me ur number, me, towler, watson, and steve are getting there on the saturday around midday so it be cool to meet up with you boys and do some riding . Let me know Ben
  22. fraid thats not true , but sorry to hear of the closure, you guys did make the effort and hopefully other clubs will not begin to close. Hopefully it will be back when people stop being so up themselves Ben P.s its not the newest because of the NBTC-scotland.com trials series opening last month
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