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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. worst topic ever though. haha. congrats to those who rode. pics are cool as well. not as cool as my cucumber though.
  2. if its that rock in that clip that tarty filmed then i dont believe that its totally vertical. yes its steep, but not vert and the top of the rock slopes back. if that rock was totally vertical he WOULDNT have made it. no offence danny, ur a good rider, but i need perfectly clear evidence of a vertical 59" tap to believe it. i thinkk thats only fair
  3. agreeing with ali im afraid...... not that i dont like agreeing with ali, its just fun to argue with him i noticed a terribly amazing difference with cnc backings actually
  4. ive hit 55 biggest. constantly around 53 pretty shitty. but meh im happy with it.
  5. its just like how premature christmas is made each year.......like "how many days till nass 2007?" "oh, only 351, man cant wait" hahah nass for the lose
  6. dont lie bongo. you cried at shrek...when everything was going wrong for him. and yo know it.1!!!!! hmmmm i will have to remember at a later date. i just thought it might be fun to abuse bongo, and it was. im super happy with myself now.
  7. no doubt ill get slated for this, but i didnt make it RIP though [attachmentid=6862]
  8. aye work in an architects office (on placement from uni)
  9. i think he means the semi-solid tyres...
  10. you will be glad of that as you improve / get stronger and it DOESNT SNAP.......
  11. is that benito riding stock in the first link
  12. http://www.3peeps.com/mj/bike/b23/b23.htm http://www.3peeps.com/mj/bike/b24/b24.htm http://www.3peeps.com/mj/bike/b25/b25.htm http://betterfeel.fotopic.net/c1057943.html
  13. or being one of the six spiders u swallow a year
  14. if you check out my adamant - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=79712 , there is my custom tensioner on there (made by tom rigg) and it works amazingly. also its sprung so means that you can land on it no problem and all is gravy . take a look, and pm tom for one if you so wish.
  15. ask dave at tartybikes, he has had more colds than anyone EVER. suprised he aint dead actually.
  16. its not in here though i dont think. meh i dont care lol
  17. mr tunnicliffe has a new video on his site under the clips section, i doubt he would want anyone to lazy link so i wont www.neiltunnicliffe.com
  18. but if a chain is pre-stretched or has been previously used then it is bound to snap sometime soon. its pretty much guaranteed. and if you use a brand new chain, it will stretch meaning that gear will become slack. also while running it tight you are putting more stresses on the freehub which in turn will probably f**k your hub internals. all for the sake of loosing a tensioner? sillllllly
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