Oreet guys, Its final week of uni, final year for me. WOOOOOOP, and to celebrate i made two videos, and by 'celebrate' i mean 'slack off uni work'. The first is - bentravis-stock. This has been coming for a while, just filmed over a long period, just under 2 mins long, with a song by a little band called little man tate. The second is - bentravis-spools. On friday i went out to our local spool place and rode it on me own for an hour or so, and this is the footage that i came out with. I havent been riding much recently so these videos are a tad erm........lazy. I wouldnt say there is anything amazing in there, but maybe worth a watch . Let me know what you guys think. TV.ISG.SI LINK HERE BOTH THESE LINKS HAVE TO BE CHECKED< SHOULD BE UP WITHIN THE HOUR.
SONGS ARE bentravis - stock = 'little big man' by little man tate bentravis - spools = 'livin a movie' by Kanye West