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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. its still a monty though
  2. your 16, chill out. plenty more fish in the sea. take a leaf of daveys book, he swaps lasses like no-one could
  3. well i dont need to go and see it now eh!!!!!??
  4. A course called architectural technology. I have my job sorted so its not like i have to worry, just want a decent grade etc etc
  5. ok, so final year of uni, final presentation in under two hours time. Well an hour and a half. Presentation on my 'eco-hotel' (what a load of shit to be honest), but im seriously bricking it, i have done f**k all but uni work recently aiming to produce an ace project. 9 A1 posters on basically everything about designing a new ECO-hotel. Anyway, thought i would share my shitting-it-ness with you all. If i fail, this becomes someone on here's fault, ill pick a name out of a hat at random and annihilate the poor bugger. cheers boys EDIT: argh it got pushed back an extra hour to wait . come on, i want to have uni finished forever.
  6. ash, tucking is a sign of you pushing yourself to the max to get up an object. that boy obviously needs to throw his bike that hard to get up that wall. however i did kinda think along similar lines. but remembered we were all at that standard one time....
  7. i liked it joe. The intro went really well with the song, maybe a few slow clips of falls or something to get people into it however i mkae my videos for me. Its something i do to see how i have changed my editing style and riding style over the time i have been doing it. i have released 17 videos in total now i think. The amount i have progressed is loadsa, its just nice to look back. edit how you want to, not how people tell you to... i liked it.
  8. well i mean that rimjams have pretty much the same shape as any other pad in the middle, yes they fit around the prongs, but look at any standard pad it looks the same in the middle on the backing. so of course if one doesnt fit none will. but now it does, so dont worry about it, sure it be reet.
  9. mine fit rim jams perfect, thing you might have got a bad batch, thats the only explanation. yes u have drilled it, but im sure it be reet. i dont think the denguras snap under rimjams or so i have heard
  10. dats fair enough big man. was just my suggestion. i know you want me really (even if it is to get to towler)
  11. ur a spaz cahal haah, its easy to tell he is facing away, as someone said its 11 o clock direction. monkey cant believe some are struggling with it.
  12. i wasnt saying this was a shit post. but just in general many people hate shit posts, some have considered this a shit post, others not. maybe its the way you wrote it first. its a pretty N00b question to ask to be fair, but meh, if you want noise then you ask what pads make the best noise.
  13. wayne i find the easiest way is to stay out of threads that include companies who sponsor you....i find it with deng topics asking for advice on them, because the inevitable reply is "yer but your sponsored by dem innit" so basically people thing, purely because deng sponsors me i will just bum his products. NOT SO. i tell deng if i dont like something, and if someone asks me, i honestly give my best and most honest view, but only on components i use. for some reason it seems that people wont accept my opinion on deng products, thinking that i will lie to them because dengo sponsors me.
  14. has anyone considered the standard they might be riding at? it might be small but whats the point in building somethign massively out of their scale.
  15. he is one of my best mates son. i think ull find he has.......
  16. Damon, - one of me best mates and that riding skill is incredible for less than 3 years riding. Danny Mac, - possibly the most chilled out rider on the circuit, also awesome on that raft chris ackrigg, - how can one guy ride everything with exactly the same style and look fookin cool. vincent hermance, - erm......skills craig, - he rides a mod, but ill let him off. go big no fuss rider. ali c, - 360 endo's, nuff said aran cook - i like aran, cool guy, funny, pretty handsome too (well i would) stan shaw - smooth like a babies bum, and thats not just his facial hair status. duncan shaw - many wont know him, but a ace natural rider, whom im mates with. BIG TOWLER - IF YOU DONT KNOW HIM. YOU SHOULD. I LIKE HIM.
  17. hahahaha WHO ATE ALL THE PIES go on my son. that is seriously the best way to f**k ur wheel
  18. there is words from WAR OF THE WORLDS over the top of a linkin park remix. then its apocolyptica or somethign is the band that do the main track. its a cover of a metallica song in poncy string music, but it rocks
  19. i f**kING hate that in a video jonny, so yes i agree. I have done it previously in one of my older videos and i look back and hate it. looks shit.
  20. take some pictures for us, you are unlikely to get a longer axle than that unless your spending £50 to get a new truvativ or something. Get some good quality pictures sir, and then we will tell you what you might be able to do.
  21. ahhhhhhahahaaha dave rides like a squinty *squinty is not a racist/sexit/ageist/fattist/ comment just before anyone says. geeks
  22. i might rape you

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